The one with all the Crossovers Part One

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Mentions: Avengers x Steve Trevor x Wade Wilson x Batman x Peter Quill x Groot and more! (Some not mentioned in Part One)

Word Count: 1,171

Warning: Swearing, Violence

Summary: One day, the reader accidentally intercepts Tony Starks, radio frequency. Now it is up to the reader to decide what she will do with the newly acquired information.

FEMN (FE = Periodic for Iron, MN = man)

I thought about writing this is while in the shower🤷‍♀️🧖‍♀️🧼🚿

Grabbing your busing bin, you made your way onto the diner floor, clearing the tables that were currently occupied with dirty dishes

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Grabbing your busing bin, you made your way onto the diner floor, clearing the tables that were currently occupied with dirty dishes. You had been hired as a waitress at a local mom and pop diner, outside of the city. Being a waitress wasn't something that was in the cards, but it paid the bills, as you continued your education at a local community college.

The bell rang signalling someone had entered the diner. Not bothering to look up from your actions, you were preoccupied with your thoughts. One of your co-workers came up to you, tapping you gently on your shoulder.

"Your regular is here."

Looking at her with a confused look, your gaze moved over your shoulder. Rolling your eyes, you thanked her before making your way to the "Regular."

"What are you doing here?" You hissed.

"What? I'm not allowed to eat at a diner?" Wade teased.

Scoffing you replied, "No. Not a diner I work at."

"You know you don't have to work here." He attempted.

"Don't." You snarled.

"Colouss, called again today. He wants you to join the X-Men, team." He stated nonchalantly looking at the menu.

Taking the menu from him, you rolled your eyes, "Why do you bother looking at a menu? You're just going to order the same thing."

"Hey!" He yelped, "Maybe I was going to order something different this time."

"Oh really?"

Letting out a frustrated sigh replied, "No."

"Exactly." Writing down on the server notepad, you placed the order for the chef before making your way back in front of Wade.

"Why are you here, Wade?"

"Look, kid. I care about you for some god un-forsaken reason."

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