Superhero's Assemble

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,869

Warning: Swearing, Violence

Summary: The reader is renown hero, however she needs all the help she can get when a new enemy comes around.

Mentions: Avengers, Aquaman (Arthur), Deadpool (Wade), Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Ellie).

Mentions: Avengers, Aquaman (Arthur), Deadpool (Wade), Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Ellie)

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Your hands began to sweat as your body tensed.

"Hey." Wade nudged your shoulder gently. "It'll be okay, Kid. Tony loves you, he'd do anything for you." He reassured.

Letting out a shaky breath you let a shiver rake down your spine.

"Tony doesn't just like anyone kid, you know that." Wade continued.

"Wade." Your fear taking over. A new villain that nobody had heard of nor knew anything about had shown up on the scene kidnapping your friend Steve Trevor. Wade had informed you, that it would be reckless going into battle alone with someone who's much stronger than Thanos. Wade had gotten invited to the Avengers celebration ball and talked you into being his plus one for the event.

You were standing in the hallway, in your gown. It was a strapless baby blue color, that went down to your knees in the front, but went down to your ankles in the back. Pairing it with a pair of black heels and clutch. Vanessa, had helped you with your hair and makeup. She had put your hair in an up-do, with a few tendrils hanging. Even with the heels, you hadn't come close to Wade in his height.

"Come on, Y/N. Let's get in there." He stated holding his elbow out for you to take.

As you walked into the room, you felt heat rise in your cheeks. Quickly you glanced down at your shoes as you felt the eyes of everyone in the room, fall upon you.

Wade led you to an area that wasn't occupied by anyone.

"Will you be okay if I get a drink?" He questioned in a protective manor.

You nodded your head as you hummed in response. As soon as, Wade left your side you felt your panic on the brink. Attempting to calm yourself down you looked out the window, looking at the city lights.

"What're they doing here?" Clint questioned, turning to Natasha.

She gazed at Clint in confusion before she followed his gaze. "Uh oh. That's not a good sign." She stated. "I'll go inform Cap."

"Cap." Natasha interrupted the conversation Steve was having with Bucky and Sam.

Picking up on the urgency in her voice, worry washed over his expression.

"She's here."

"She- Are you sure Nat?"

"See for yourself." She gestured subtly towards you.

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