
3.3K 56 15

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Warning: Fighting, Swearing, mentions of blood

Word Count: 1,225

Summary: The reader is studying to be a nurse, when some of her friends from the Avengers call her in desperate need of her help.

Summary: The reader is studying to be a nurse, when some of her friends from the Avengers call her in desperate need of her help

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"Y/N. Please. We really need you."

You let out a frustrated sigh, "Nat, you always say that."

"I always mean it!"

"I... I can't... I have finals coming up."

Natasha let out a sigh. She knew how important your degree was to you.

"I'm walking into the library. I have to go." Not giving her a chance to respond, you hung up.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, looking at the time it was now 11pm. It had been hours since you walked in to study. Packing up your items, you walked back to your apartment. Unlocking the door, you walked in and step your bag down.

A muffled scream fell from your lips, as you eyed the black silhouette in your apartment. Silently, you made your way to where you kept your gun. Suddenly, there was a hand on your bicep. Grabbing the figures hand, you twirled around raising it as you went, before sending punches to the figures stomach, groaning in pain. Pushing him back slightly, you swept his legs causing him to fall back onto the floor.

"Y/N!" Natasha's voice sounded as she flipped the light on, revealing Natasha, Bucky, Steve.

Panting, you looked at Natasha with a confused expression.

"What're you guys doing here? Who's this?" You questioned pointing to the man underneath your foot.

"I'm Thor."

"Y/N." You said extending a hand.

Joining the group in front of you Natasha questioned, "How did you..Never mind it doesn't matter."

"Damn, Y/L/N." Sam suddenly yelled from beside Bucky. "That's impressive!"

Turning to the Blonde man towering over you, "Sorry."

"It's alright."

"Why are you guys here?" You tiled your head slightly confused.

"We need your help." Sam said. "Please."

Sighing you looked down at the ground.

"Fine. But you." Pointing your finger at the man next to you, "Have to let me examine you."

"Come. You can do it at the tower." Natasha said.


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