Self-Control (Gets Heated!)

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,120

Warning: Swearing, Implied Smut, Smutish?

Summary: You and Bucky had never taken the next step to becoming exclusive, but one night things change.

Summary: You and Bucky had never taken the next step to becoming exclusive, but one night things change

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"Seriously James?" You stormed, out to the waiting taxi.

Slamming the door shut, you grumbled to yourself as you crossed your arms over your chest. The ride to tower was silent. Bitterness from the words you had exchanged in anger, lingered on your tongue.

As the driver barely put the taxi in park, you had raced out of the car and into the building. The skirt of your dress whisking around you, as you quickly moved. Your heels clicking echoed around you.

Entering the event room, you immediately made your way towards Natasha and Wanda. Your chest was heaving in both fury and desperation.

"Glad you could join us." Natasha smirked, taking a sip from her flute.

Rolling your eyes, you scoffed. "We woulda been here sooner but James decided he wanted to argue instead.

Both girls tore their eyes away from you, boring in the direction of James in a nonchalant manner.

"You do have to admit." Nat smirked, dropping her gaze. "His temper makes him look more attractive."

Handing you her flute, you tilted it back allowing the chill liquid to sooth your aching throat.

"Are you two together yet?" Wandas innocent voice asked.

Choking on the champagne, you coughed slightly, before glaring at her.

"Of course not Wand." Natasha chirped. "If they were, do you really think James would be eye fucking her from across the room?"

"Natasha!" You hissed, feeling your cheeks heat up instantly.

"What?" She asked confused. "I'm just saying. Nice choice in dress by the way." She winked.

You had chosen to wear a red skin tight dress, that fit you like a glove. It was a tank top style dress —something Natasha had insisted you buy, explaining how Bucky wouldn't be able to keep his hands off of you if you bought it. Allowing her to hype you up, you chose to buy it, in a moment of weakness.

Sighing, you shook your head before turning to face the crowd. Wanda had quickly spotted vision before biding her farewells and disappeared.

"Well at least one of us is getting laid tonight." You declared, downing the rest of Wandas drink.

"Speaking of which." Natasha spoke. "Why were you and James arguing?"

Frowning you quickly grabbed another flute as a waiter carrying a tray of them passed by.

"He didn't like my dress." You sighed in defeat. "He claimed that he wouldn't be able to keep the guys off of me and he didn't want that responsibility tonight."

Natasha huffed in annoyance that her plan to get the two of you together had clearly failed.

"Fuck him." She practically yelled. "Let's find you a hot dude to dance with." Not bothering to hear your pleads, she was gone.

Sighing you shook your head. Daring to look for Bucky, your eyes scanned the room before finally falling on a pair of familiar blue eyes, still at the bar —only this time he wasn't alone. His attention was captivated by a tall busty blonde, laughing at something she said.

Rage began bubbling up inside of you. Scouring the crowd, your eyes landed on the second most attractive guy in the room. Practically stomping your way to him, you halted your movements in front of him.

"Are you here with anyone?"

"Uh no."


Grabbing his hand, you led him to the dance floor. At first you both danced in an innocent like manner. Your chest was pressed against his, while his thigh was snuggled in between either of yours. While your gripped his biceps moving your hips to the beat. Your hair descending down your shoulders.

"Jake." He introduced. "The names Jake."

"Y/N." You smiled.

Pressing your back to his chest, you quickly glanced at the bar. A pair of stormy blue eyes, were locked on your every movement.

A pair of rough lips coming in contact with your neck, made you arch your back.

More than a second had barely passed before a strong hand wrapped itself around your wrist, yanking you towards them. Bucky's essence filled your nose. Roughly, he tugged you behind him as he led you out of the room.

His grip tightened slightly, once he reached a door that you presumed was his bedroom. Opening the door, you yanked yourself free before scowling at him.

"What the fuck was that Barnes?"

Stepping back over the threshold, his tall stature towered over you. Gulping, you took a step back with each step forward he took. His blue eyes had become less cloudy, but that didn't mean his confidence had haltered.

"What the fuck." He growled. "Were you doing with that guy, Y/L/N?" His hands, rested on either side of the wall beside your head trapping you from going anywhere.

Any rage you had been harboring had been drained from your body. Y/E/C was locked in his blue ones. His eyes were screaming at you to misbehave, to push his buttons.

He leaned in so close the tip of his nose brushed against yours. His breath mingled with yours.

Intoxication coursed through your veins, at the close proximity. Bucky had never been this close to you, much less so assertive.

His actions caused your breath to hitch in your throat.

"What's wrong? Can't breath?" His warm tongue traced the putter shell of your ear. Closing your eyes, you gently leaded your head back against the wall.

Continuing he placed feather light kisses along the short length of your ear. You could feel the smirk against his lips, seeing the reaction he got from you.

"Your..." You swallowed, tongue darting out wetting your lips. "Your kisses don't affect me." You say in a breathy tone.

Bucky chuckled darkly at your comment. The deep rumble could be felt through his chest to yours.

Maneuvering his lips back in front of yours, the warmth radiated off of them.

"Yeah?" He taunted. "Well, we'll see about that."

Firmly, his lips were pressed to yours. You hadn't been aware of the hunger you had for him, until his lips were on yours. Opening up for him, his tongue slid elegantly into your mouth — almost  as if he had been calculating his actions.

Pulling away, you whimpered at the loss of contact attempting to follow him.

"Easy there princess." He chuckled once again. One of his large hands, gripped your hip in a firm but gentle manner. His breath was still mixing with yours, as he gazed into your eyes. "I want to see which you prefer, two fingers or three."

As you listened to the words falling from his mouth, you couldn't help the moan that fell from your lips. Grabbing your hand, he lead you to his room as he walked backward, lips never leaving yours.

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