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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Mom!Reader

Warning: Swearing, Gets heated lol

Word Count: 1,388

Summary: The reader has a young daughter, who's hero is none other than Bucky Barnes. After knowing each other, for awhile they decide to take the next step in their relationship.

 After knowing each other, for awhile they decide to take the next step in their relationship

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"How are you friends with them?" Your co-worker whisper yelled across the lunch table.

Furrowing your eyebrows together you asked confused, "What do you mean?"

Scoffing she replied, "Don't play stupid, Y/N."

"Hello Ladies." A husky voice sounded.

Before they could respond the second lunch alarm went off, signalling second lunch was now over.

As the girls left, Loki spoke up, "They're not your friends, Y/N."

Frowning your jaw fell slightly in disappointment, "How can you say that?"

"It's the truth." He said shrugging, "They're jealous of your relationship with the Avengers."

"Who's jealous?" Natasha questioned sitting beside Loki.

"I'm telling you, she is interested in you Bucky." Steve continued as he took the seat next to you.

Bucky chose the seat across from you.

Tony and Peter silently joining the table.

Thor and Wanda were the last to join the table.

"Y/N's 'co-worker friends.' They're jealous of her relationship with all of us." Loki said nonchalantly. "Besides, I read their mind just to confirm my suspicions."

You hummed in response.

"So, Y/N." Natasha started, "What're you doing this weekend?"

Hesitating, "Well, I am taking El to the museum and then the park. Other than that, not too much....Why?"

"Just curious."

"Bullshit Natasha."

Letting out a giggle she responded, "Alright. You got me. I wanted to set you up with a close friend of mine."

Rolling your eyes you replied, "I'm sure. Guys aren't really interested in single mom's."

"I might know of someone who wouldn't mind."

Glancing at Bucky, he looked tense and uncomfortable at the subject. He had a cherry color across his cheeks.

Rolling your eyes, you looked at the time. You were late for your daughters show and tell at school.

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