Howling Commandos (Part One)

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Warning: Violence, swearing

Word Count: 2,178

Summary: The reader is enlisted in the army along side her best friend, Peggy Carter. Her life changes when she meets seven men.

Part One!

"Y/N!" Peggy exclaimed rushing over to you, before pulling you into a hug, "I see the serum serves you well!"

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"Y/N!" Peggy exclaimed rushing over to you, before pulling you into a hug, "I see the serum serves you well!"

Giggling you responded, "Yes it does! I'm glad to be here with you and Colonel Philips."

"Me too!" She said excitedly, "He doesn't know what a mistake that was."

Peggy began walking down the dirt path, as you walked beside her. There wasn't a lot of female agents, let alone any females in the base. Both you and Peggy were in charge of training the project rebirth candidates.

You and Peggy often ate meals together when it was time.

"Look it's her royal highness and her royal pain in the ass." One of the recruits from your area mocked.

"Ignore them." Peggy reasured.

"Yeah. Listen to the queen." He continued to mock as he walked by.

Once the man sat down, you stood up making your way over to the table. Catching the eyes of a few men, they gazed at you in silence.

Clearing your throat you stood at the head of the table holding your wrist behind your back. Once you got the attention of everyone at the table, you looked around you.

"Can I have everyone's attention." You boomed. Sudden silence falling upon the cafeteria. "Private ... I didn't catch your last name."

"Connor." His voice barely above a whisper.

"Come stand by me." You motioned for him to join you. "Private Connor here doesn't think woman should be respected."

"She's going to embarrass herself." One of your fellow supervisors attempted.

"No. She's standing up for herself and any other woman supervisor to come." Colonel Philips supported.

Fully turning towards Private Connor, you took an intimidating step forward. "As punishment I believe you should go apologize to agent Carter and clean the bathrooms with a tooth brush."


"You can't do that!" Private Connor yelled.

"She can and she did." Colonel Philips said from his table.

"As you were." Lingering his table made fun of him as you left.

Walking back to your table you packed up your dinner waste before throwing it away.

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