What if?

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x CEO!Reader

Word Count: 2,448

Warning: None.

Summary: Being the CEO of your own well-known company came with a price. A decision must be made when a fellow well-known CEO approaches you with an agreement.


As you stood in the elevator, you focused on the calming music, attempting to keep the racing thoughts at bay until you made it to your office

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As you stood in the elevator, you focused on the calming music, attempting to keep the racing thoughts at bay until you made it to your office. Once the doors opened, the sound of your heels clicking along the floor echoed through the office. Many of the employee's sat up straighter, some of them scattering like insects.

Letting out a sigh, you continued your strut through the office. Many of the employees were fearful of you, as your mother had installed that fear into them. You didn't want to be one of those CEO's that was feared. Making it to your office, you quickly shut the door letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding in.

Sitting in your chair, you swiveled around gazing out at the city that was behind you, admiring the architecture.

"Miss Y/N." Your assistant called through the speaker phone.

Sighing, you turned your attention back to your desk. "Yes?"

"Mr. Stark is here."


"Yes ma'am. He is insisting to speak with you this time."

"Is he alone?" You pondered allowed.

"No ma'am." She muttered through the phone. "He...He has two guys with him."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, you brought your hands to your face. Gently resting your head in your hands.

"Miss Y/N?" Your assistant questioned.

"Yes?" You questioned.

"He's on his way to your office."

Hanging up, you quickly stood up. Smoothing down your black pencil skirt, you began fussing with your pale blue blouse that you neatly tucked in your skirt. Tugging your black cardigan tighter around your body, you swiftly made your way towards the door. Closing the door behind you, your gaze fell upon Tony and two mysterious men accompanying him.

Walking down the hall, you met him halfway.

"Mr. Stark."

"Please Y/N." He spoke. "Call me Tony."

You rolled your eyes in response. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Always so classy, Miss Y/N." Tony teased.

The corners of your mouth turned upward a little at his comment.

"Still avoiding me I see."

You scoffed. "I'm not avoiding you." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Follow me. Let's go somewhere more....Private."

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