
2.2K 33 2

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reade

Word Count: 1,319

Warning: Mentions of Alcohol, One swear.

Summary: Everything is not as it seems.

Professor AU

The loud speakers bumped to the beat of whatever song the DJ decided to play

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The loud speakers bumped to the beat of whatever song the DJ decided to play. Gazing about the room, there was groups of inebriated people littered throughout the room.

"I'm going to go get another drink, want one?" Your friend asked.

Declining her offer, you shook your head.

"You don't really look like the kinda girl, who gives up drinking halfway through the night." A husky voice teased from behind you.

Turning to face him, you chuckled staring upwards at him. "Who says I'm giving up?" Your glance fell subtly to the group of guys attempting to unconsciously watch your interaction. "Besides, you're the one that'll have to tell your friends you were faced with rejection."

Downing the rest of your drink, you patted his chest before disembarking towards the dance floor. "I'll see you around Romeo."

The rest of the night, you hadn't been bothered too much by any guys. Not that you minded, sometimes that was something that bothered you. Glancing around the room, your eyes quickly locked with a familiar blue pair. Lifting his glass up towards you in salute be took a swig from his drink.

"Who's that?" Another one of your friends question.

Shrugging you responded over the music. "I have no idea."

"He seems to be really interested in you, Y/N!" Your friend exclaimed happily. "I saw him threaten another guy if he so much as looked at you."

You nodded your head and hummed in response.

"Anyone want a drink?"

Making your way over to the bar, you leaned on the counter for support.

"The names curt." Someone slid next to you on the counter attempting to introduce themselves. "What's yours?"

Rolling your eyes you shook your head. Opening your mouth to respond, another voice came out.

"None of your business." The same husky tone from before cut in.

Curt rolled his eyes, not caring he was rejected. He muttered a "Whatever man." Before leaving you alone.

Twirling to face your rescuer, you got a good look at the man from before. "Why'd you do that?" You huffed crossing your arms over your chest. "I had it handled."

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