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Amelia walked into the room slowly. Marcel had told his "mother" that Kendall was in her room. The girl had been staring out of the window for the past hour. She didn't move, hardly blinked and didn't talk.

"Ke-" she was cut off instantly. "Who am I" she said in a monotone. The girl still faced the window Amelia was shocked by her daughters response.

"What else have you lied to me about." Kendall asked. "What are you talking about" Amelia asked. "I know my name is Athena not Kendall." She said. The brunette turned to face her mother. "What am I? Who am I" after that statement the silence yelled through the room.

"Your my daughter."Amelia said. "I'm being serious what am I" Kendall yelled. "I'm not having this conversation" Amelia said turning to walk away. "Why did you take my memories" Kendall asked softly.

Amelia turned around to see her daughter with golden swirl eyes and glowing purple fingers on her temple. Her face started to morph, her once familiar brown doe eyes turned to a frost blue mixed with a forest green.

Her natural waves turned straight and lighter. Her face was more defined and she actually grew to 5'6 far from her normal 5'3. Her body thinned a little bit. Her light freckles were gone now.

She finally let go of her temple. She looked at her mother. "I had met you before. I lived with you and dad from 10 years old" her voice was broken.

She looked over into a mirror and saw how much she looked like her father. "Wow" her voice was still like silk.

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Is this what she really looked like

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Is this what she really looked like. The girl from the drawing. Nik had drew a picture and claimed it was a princess he knew many years ago.

"Ke-" the girl cut her off "Athena. My name is Athena." Said the brunette firmly. She brushed past her mother and walked downstairs. "A-Athena" marcel stuttered.

"Did you know they were hiding my real face" she asked. Lelia looked up at the familiar girl puzzled. Her small head cocked to one side, her ice blue eyes scanned the girls face.

"Lia honey come on" the woman sure had her moms voice and a familiar feeling. "Where is my mom" the girl said. "Baby. I am your mom," she said.

"You don't look like my mom. She has freckles,and brown curly hair, and father said doe eyes I don't know what that means yet. He said I'm still growing" she said.

Athena sighed and sat down in front of her daughter. "Lia. Grandma and grandpa did a very bad thing to mommy" she said sadly. Lelia was confused.

"Did they use P-P-pur-ple" the small girl tried to spit out the words. "They used magic by another magic holder. That magic holder gave me a different face" the girl said.

Lelia frowned she really did look like Roman and now Athena."why would they do that your so pretty" the small girl said. "I don't know baby. Are you ready to go see daddy" she asked.

Lelia reached out and wiped away the tear on Athena's face. "Don't cry mommy. p-princesses never show there crooked crown" she quoted her mother.

Athena smiled and scooped up her daughter. "Wait headwig" she said. Athena used her magic to give the owl to her daughter. "Come on baby" she said and disappeared leaving her family behind.

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