Chapter 44

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It has been a week since the exam and our results were gonna come today. I was nervous I might get bad marks but I kept myself cool on the outside so no one thinks I'm panicking.

Today the house was just me and Keith and the kids. My mother got tickets to Florida and she did gave two for me and Keith and the kids can go for free. I really don't know why but hey. We didn't wanna miss a chance. We were only aloud to come after we graduated. I really am hoping to go buy if Keith can't go I ain't going. As an alpha I will stay by his side and not leave him alone.

"Hey Lance~ guess what arrived in the mail's today" Keith said in a excited voice. Boy was he in a good mood.

"Let me guess. The exam results"I said. Keith nodded his head very quickly. I laughed at how cute he can be.

"I'm nervous and kinda excited. But mostly nervous" he said. I took my exam results and opened it. I took it out and closed my eyes.

"Oh my god Lance!!!!" I heard Keith just jump. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I got a 99/100. I was glad. Though I was glad I didn't got less than 5.

"Your turn. Open it" I told Keith. He slowly opened it and took out the results. He was beyond shocked.

"Lance........this can't be true" he said. He showed me the paper. It was a 100/100. He got a perfect marking.

"Wow Keith. Congratulations on getting full marks" I said. I don't know why but I felt jealous. Keith grabbed my chin and placed his lips on mine. I kissed him back. I licked his bottom lips asking for an entrance and he let me in just like that. Our tongues were dancing as we deepened our kiss. We stayed for about 6 minutes till we parted away.

"I'm happy that you also passed. I'm hoping to go to places and have a nice holiday after graduation" Keith said as he snuggled up to me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him as we sat on the floor cuddling each other.    

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It's been a week after we graduated. I decided to see if the weather to see if it's a good weather to travel.  I sat down on the couch and opened the TV. It was showing that there was a hurricane heading this way. I was shocked out of my mind.

"KEITH.....YOU HAVE TO COME LOOK AT THE WEATHER" I yelled. I heard footsteps down the stairs. I knew it was Keith.

"What is it?" He said as he came down stairs. I pointed at the TV showing him the hurricane. He was shocked too.

"I don't think we should just stay. It's going to come here within weeks" I said as I looked at Keith.

"Yea. We have to head somewhere further away from it. Maybe we should delay it and go some other time?" Keith said. I knew this was a great time to protect ourselves.

(Can you actually do that? If not sorry if yes good. Probably no. So they will get new tickets by the end of the hurricane or something)

We packed up and decided to leave somewhere else. I looked outside and everyone was chilling around.

"Hey. You leaving to Florida already" our neighbor asked.

" we are going to evacuate this place" I said dead serious. She just laughed like I just told a joke.

"Oh please. We are was further away from it. It might even go away" she said as she hitter me in the back. Her attitude has made my alpha mad. Though I decided to ignore her.

"Well. If you are right then we will give you this house" I said making a bet. She raised an eyebrow.

"And if I'm not right....???" She asked. I sighed and smirked.

"Then you owe us something valuable" I said with a devilish smile. She smiled back as we shook our hands.

"Deal" she said with confidence. She then laughed and left.

"I'm pretty sure your gonna win" Keith said as he was leaning on the door.

"How would you know???" I said as I gave him a confused look. He smiled and dragged me inside the house.

"I know this is crazy but I saw a dream that the hurricane does hit this place. I don't know if it only comes true once or twice but I'm confident about this I guess. At the same time I'm still kinda scared" Keith said as he held my hands. I pulled him closer to me and kissed his cheek.

"I promise I will protect you" I said as I pulled him closer to me and wrapped my hands on his waist.

"I know you will. I'm happy to be with you Lance" he said as he snuggled on to me. I just smiled.

 After a few minutes of hugging we quickly went to the car with our kids. I made sure we had car safety for kids. We drove somewhere that's safe to stay for now. I mean u never really know where it is going to hit. It may even change direction.

We stayed in a hotel. We booked into a room and rested. Kei and Rosy fell asleep as soon as they lied down since they hadn't gotten some sleep in the car ride. It wasn't a long car ride. Though we were in a place where barely anyone ever lived.

We decided to watch something. I took the remote and turned it on. The news were saying that a hurricane is coming but no one is listening. People these days are so careless. Especially the alpha's. Do they not no what they are supposed to do? Or they be born without any brain.

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It's been five weeks and we have been somewhere further away from the hurricane. It got worse from where we came from. We were practically safe in some other hotel. Once the hurricane goes we are planning to move to Florida. For a few days atleast.

We were on the bed watching this kid cartoon with Kei and Rosy. They seemed to enjoy the cartoon. The were very hyped just watching this. They were so cute. They'd laugh if anything funny happens. It's adorable.

Keith was recording the moment go by. All of a sudden news started.

"Hello everyone. Today in the news we see all buildings and places wrecked by the hurricane. This just shows how strong the hurricane really was. About a couple hundred people died while trying to survive this hurricane" the news reporter said as he showed the place. All the houses and buildings were wrecked. And a couple hundred people died. That's a lot. We were lucky we escaped.

(I'm ending it upto here. Hoping you'd be still read this book)


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