Chapter 65

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(Look. I know that I haven't been writing this. I'm back. I was focused on the Tododeku book. And uh. Thanks for 6.5k reads. Like omg. That's a lot. Looking at the past parts makes me feel young. What I meant is that the chapter felt a little not mature. But here we are. This chapter will include smut......🔞🔞🔞🔞. Will warn you of course)


I woke sleeping on the couch with Keith on top of me. He looked so cute. I carried him to our room. I kept him down. He was looking too peaceful to be interupted.

I decided to let him sleep some more. I went out side and closed the door gently. I went to Kei and Rosys room. They were also asleep. I took my phone and took a deep breath. I took Keith's phone. I found Alluras number. I decided to text her.

Lance: hey Allura
                                                                                       Hey : ALLURA Lance: look. I just wanna apologize for being rather mean to you and not talking to you. Hope we could still be friends  
                                                              Heh. Of course. : ALLURA                                            I'm sorry for my behaviour: ALLURA
                  I know I was a total jerk back then 🤣 : ALLURA Lance: heh. I don't hate you.
 Lance: say why don't we have a small chat somewhere?
                                              oh sure. Where though? : ALLURA Lance: at this café near the town square. I'm bringing Keith so he won't be suspicious of me
               Okie dokie. I know I'm bringing my wife : ALLURA

 Knowing that she was married was a relief. If she wasn't my omega would've thought I didn't love him no more. And even might go through enough depression to kill himself. Gosh. I didn't like the idea of taking care of the kids alone. If he dying I'm dying. Actually no. The kids need a father. A father who's nice and is alive for a longer time.

Mierda. I forgot to tell the time. Maybe she's still online? I don't know.

Lance: 4 in the evening ok 
                                                                                   Got it 👍:Allura

  Now we know when to meet. I sat down. I saw Rosy come downstairs rubbing her eyes.

"Dad. I saw a scary dream" she said as tears rolled down her cheek. I put her on my lap and wipped her tears.

"It's ok. It was just a dream. Why don't I make you a omelette. Maybe that might cheer you up" I said as got up carrying her to the kitchen. I kept her on a chair and made cheese omelette.

After she ate the omelette she went back upstairs. I decided to open the TV and see what's going on with the world.

'BREAKING NEWS. Today we're have about 5 million people getting a virus. So we warn you to wear a mask where ever you go. About 229 people died so far. Just watch out for any of those symptoms'

A virus spreading across the world. 229 people died! That is serious. The most common symptoms were fever, dry cough and tiredness. The less common symptoms were aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhoea conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes. Thats a lot. Then there is the serious symptoms. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breathing, chest pain or pressure and loss of speech or movement.

I'm aware of what is happening. I would not want any of my family going through this. I'm gonna have to make sure everything is set for this damn virus. I decided to search up how to prevent the virus. Wear a mask, use sanitizer, wash your hands after coming home, keep your distance, cover your mouth with you bent elbow or use tissue when you sneeze or cough, stay home if you feel unwell and call the medical center if you find yourself in a harsh fever.

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