Chapter 13 - School can go die

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- Melody Pov -

The past 6 weeks have been really depressing for me, I'm constantly throwing up, tired, sore and moody. I hate it. My abdomen is bloated and I want to kill anyone that comes within close proximity to me. But I've also been overly affectionate towards my friends and Uncle. It's weird...

I was in the middle of class was playing dodge ball, but I didn't feel like playing. Some of the girls at the bottom of the seats started giggling while pointing at me.

Sam noticed I was watching her and decided to pipe up.
"You know's rude to eavesdrop into other peoples conversations and to stare at them so intensely while doing it." Samantha scoffed while her friends smirked and made bitchy remarks about me. "Oh...and go on a diet, you're getting fat."

I clenched my fists as I tried to restrain myself from committing murder.
"Shut up Samantha!" I whisper yelled while glaring at her - not wanting to get in trouble cause if you yell anything too loud in the gym, it echoes.
She laughed sadistically and narrowed her overly highlighted eyes.

"What...don't like the stupid demon bitch! Your dad was right for leaving you. He knew you were nothing the second you were born, I wonder why he stuck around for so long..." She said coldly.

I'd had enough. I let my mark appear on my forehead and my eyes to go dark with malice. I got up, walked down the stairs and grabbed her by the collar. A deadly glare of midnight piercing her soul and instilling fear.
"If you don't stop talking shit about me gaining weight and my dad leaving, then I'll fold you like a FUCKING lawn chair, you bulimic BITCH!" I hissed venomously at her. Maybe a little too loudly, cause everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing to look at me; a ball was dropped, which added to the tension and awkwardness of the situation.

"MELODY! PRINCIPALS OFFICE, NOW!" My HPE teacher yelled as I harshly ripped my hand from Samantha's collar, oh so tempted to go for around her throat instead.

"FUCK ALL OF YOU!" I screamed and sprinted to the door.

- Helbram Pov -

I was just walking to science, that's all...I had to bypass the Gym on my way. And then I heard someone scream. "FUCK ALL OF YOU!"

I tensed as I recognised the voice and started to feel an immense amount of guilt. The doors suddenly burst open and a furious Melody stormed out.
I tried to hide my face with my books, but failed the second I felt her gaze burning into me.

I lowered my books and looked at her with sincerity. I wanted to make things right.
"H-hey, Melody-" I tried to get out, before being interrupted.

"Leave me alone!" She muttered as I heard her voice crack and saw tears rolling down her cheeks. The markings faded. "I don't need this right now." Her bottom lip trembled as she stumbled off down the corridor. I felt the guilt building in my heart as I debated on whether to follower her or to let her be.
I followed. I wanted to make sure she was at least a little okay and I still needed to apologize about before.

She was walking at a low pace, stumbling and staggering down the halls, at one point I almost stepped in, because I was starting to get concerned; Her face was pale and big dark bags had developed under her eyes due to a lack of sleep.
She looked terrible.

She turned the corner, looking back and I suddenly ducked into the shadows - almost getting caught.
I sighed and closed my eyes; thinking.

Sometimes I wish that things could be like they were when we were young. To mess around and play house with the dolls. Having an imaginary family and pretending to have responsibilities like an actual adult. I mean, it was fun but extremely childish. Neither of us had or have the ability to care for a child. I regret everything I've erasing her memories of me, but I couldn't have her going down the same path as me at the age I did. I know she's done some pretty bad things, but at least she's not as bad as me.

I inhaled and looked out the window as I continued following Melody again. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue today, like a deep ocean.

As I was glancing out the window, I heard a thud in front of me and looked down; My eyes widened and I bolted over to Melody who had suddenly collapsed onto the ground out of nowhere. I looked around for anyone; yelling for a teacher or another student perhaps when the Principle ran out of her office.

"Get her to the sick bay so her Uncle can come get her." She spoke strictly.

- time skip: 1am -

- Melody Pov -

I had been brought home yesterday because I passed out. I couldn't even remember how I got home, I think Uncle Zeldris carried me or something.

I was currently sitting on the bathroom floor in the dark, a pregnancy test face down on the sink.
I mean, I'd had a suspicion that I was pregnant, but I was just too scared to actually check. I thought if I ignored it then it would go away. All of my morning sickness, cramps and my missed period were clear signs.

I looked at my phone with horror as I realized the 2 minutes was up and I needed to check the test. "Fuck." I breathed and got up. The test was like lava to me; I didn't want to touch it, but I knew I had too.

I reached down and grabbed it, slowly turning it over and looking.
It was negative.
I sighed a relief and went to turn the lights on.
The room was suddenly filled with light and I had to squint my eyes.
I went to sit back down, but decided to take a quick glance at the test before hand.
I stopped breathing as I noticed a second pink line had suddenly appeared.

I was pregnant...

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