Chapter 1

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Hi guys before you start this book I just want to let you know that I'm not a writer or  a medical student in any way I just do this for fun!Feel free to correct me at anytime.Hope you enjoy❤️


First thing I heard was my alarm going off and usually I would just turn it off and go back to sleep until one of the boys came in to wake me up for school , but today I was more than happy to get up immediately without a second thought.

Today I have a school trip and we are going for a walk in the nature which is one of my favourite things.It calms me and it helps me clear my mind , plus nature is really beautiful .

I got up I had a shower,brushed my teeth and my brown hair, put some makeup on , not too much I like the natural look and I got dressed into a pair of blue mom jeans and a white tank top and my white vans. I didn't put a jacket on cause it was a really sunny day.

As I walked downstairs I saw all the boys on the table eating breakfast

"Good morning guys" I said

"Well someone is up early today" my uncle Calum said

Now you're probably wondering why I'm living with my uncle and his 3 best friends , well it's a long story but my parents are not here anymore .

"I have a school trip today" I said smiling while grabbing a banana,

"What kind of school trip?"Michael asked,

"We are going to take a walk on the nature so that we can understand how important it is for our lives something like that" I said,

"well make sure to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated I don't want you fainting" Calum said.

Leaving with 4 guys while I'm the only girl is really hard but what makes it even harder is the fact that all of them are doctors and the always are overprotective of me. My uncle Calum is a general surgeon, Michael is an orthopaedic doctor, Ashton is a gynaecologist and Luke is a paediatrician.

"Yeah yeah I know don't worry I'll be fine" I said while I threw away the rest of my banana cause I wasn't really hungry. I'm not a breakfast person.

"Is that all you're going to eat?"Luke asked me

"I'm not really hungry in the morning you know it",

"You will need more energy than that if you're going for a walk in the nature hun" Ashton said,

"Fine I will eat something from the school cafeteria now let's go I'm going to be late".

I got in the backseat with Luke and Ashton , Michael was in the passenger seat and Calum was driving.As we stopped in front of my school I said goodbye to all of them and gave them a hug.

"Have a nice day baby"Calum said

"Thanks you too guys".

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