Chapter 14

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As I was laying on Luke's chest I heard his heart beating and it calmed me down

Panic attacks are not unusual for me especially after my mother's death so the guys always knew how to handle it

And of course they were doctors

I could feel the relaxer Calum gave me hitting me

I started getting sleepy and I stopped crying now I was just hiccuping

Luke rubbed my back and Calum made sure I could breathe well

After a while I lifted my head from Luke and I spoke

"I'm selfish" I said and I felt tears in my eyes once again

"Baby you're not selfish try and calm down for a little bit you had a bad panic attack"Calum said as he rubbed my arm

"I am, I only think about myself"I said looking at my hands

"Does your chest still hurt" Luke asked me

"No it's fine it just feels a little weird" I said

"It's okay it's because of the attack it will go away" Calum said and I nodded

"Do you want to talk about it?" Luke asked me and I knew I had to in order to take my feelings out

"Long story short David only wanted me for sex" I said as Ashton came and sat by my right side while Calum was on my left and Luke was in front of me

"Did you do it?" Ashton said while he pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear and I shook my head

"No I didn't want to that's why he got mad at me and said some things" I said while I played with my rings

"What kind of things?" Luke asked

"I told him I didn't want to do it and it was my choice so he told me to leave and then he said that I was selfish just like I was with mom" I said and my voice cracked at the last sentence

"Anna, baby look at me" Calum said as he grabbed my chin to face him

"The things he said to you are not true he was just trying to make you feel bad about yourself just so he could get what he wanted"

"You hurt his ego and he wanted to make you feel bad" he said

"Yeah but this wouldn't have happend if I just slept with him" I said

"Yes but you didn't want to ,you're not selfish because you didn't feel ready to have sex with him" Ashton said

"Even if you had sex with him he was still going to say those things to you when you denied something else" Luke said

"I know it's just" I pause and sniffed

"I really thought he liked me and he said all of those nice things to me and he was really sweet" a tear fell down my cheek

Luke wiped my cheek

"I know it hurts but boys can pretend to be really good with you just so they can get you in bed" Luke said

"You made the right choice to leave and stand up for yourself and your wants" Ashton said

"You should be proud of yourself for leaving before it got too serious" he continued and I nodded

They were right

I shouldn't feel guilty because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants

It's my body my choice and he should respect that

After composing myself and stopped crying I took a deep breath and looked at the guys

"I said fuck you to him 2 times" I cracked a smile and all of the guys laughed

"I'm proud of you baby" Calum said smiling and he kissed my cheek

After that I let my head fall to the wall and closed my eyes cause I was getting really tired

"Come on princess let's get you to bed the relaxer is hitting you and you need to sleep it off" Ashton said as they all stood from the floor and helped me up

I went to the bathroom washed my face, brushed my teeth and changed to my pyjamas

I could hear the guys whispering from outside but I couldn't tell exactly what they were saying

I opened the bathroom door and all of the faces turned into me giving me sympathetic smiles

"Come on pretty girl you need some sleep" Luke said as he patted my bed

I laid dow pulling the covers to my head

"Will you sleep with me?" I asked the guys and they looked at each other

"Sure"Calum said and he laid beside me

Luke came to my other side while Aston was near my feet

We all cuddled together until my door opened revealing a very confused Michael

"I'm sorry I didn't know we were having a sleepover tonight" he said dramatically making all of us laugh

I patted the bed and he immediately smiled taking of his shoes and coming to bed

We all laid together in complete silence as I felt my eyes dropping

"Don't fight it baby just sleep" Calum said

"Did you guys give her a relaxer or something?" Michael asked seeming confused about my tired state

The all nodded

"Long sorry we will tell you tomorrow" Luke said and Michael nodded

After a while I couldn't fight it anymore so I just let myself drift into sleep while all the guys were observing me waiting for me to finally give in

Thank you so much for reading my story!I have read all of the 5sos medical stories and I really liked them so I decided to start my own after a lot of hesitation❤️

I'm trying to update as much as I can and I write almost everyday so be patient with me I will upload chapters as soon as I finish writing them

Feel free to write me comments and tell me your opinions❤️

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