Chapter 17

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The next morning I woke up and started getting ready for school

I was really nervous for today cause I knew I had to face David and maybe talk to him and I didn't want to

I was still hurt and I don't know if I can handle taking to him after what he said about my mother

I put on some leggings and a sweatshirt I brushed my teeth put a little bit of concealer and lip balm and I went downstairs to the kitchen

"Good morning princess" Michael said as he touched my forehead

"I'm fine Michael I don't have a fever" I said and I rolled my eyes

"I'm just checking" he said and kissed my head

I grabbed an apple and I took a bite of it while looking at my phone for new messages and checking social media

I heard someone clear his throat and I looked up to see Luke

"Do you want to talk about anything before we leave?" He asked me and I looked at him confused

Talk about anything? Like what?I don't think I hav-

Oh shit

Calum's birthday

"OH MY GOD!" I said and jumped from my chair to hug Calum who was looking at his phone


To be honest I kinda felt bad for forgetting but with everything that has happend the last 2 days I'm not surprised

"Thank you baby" he said laughing and kissed my head

"So what are we doing for your birthday" I said and wiggled my eyebrows

"I'm pretty sure I have 3 surgeries and a long ass shift today" he said and I made a sad face

"But it's your birthday" I said

"It's like any other day Anna we can celebrate when I come home okay?" Calum said and I nodded

After that we all got to the car and they dropped me to school as they went to the hospital

I had a pep talk with myself and I promised I would be strong and I was going to face David if he came to talk to me so I took a few deep breaths and entered the school

As soon as I entered I saw Lily coming to me

"Hey Anna banana" she said and I rolled my eyes to the nickname

She found this nickname when we were in 4th grade and she hasn't stopped calling me that since then

"Hey Lils" I said back

"Sooooo David"she said and i immediately frowned

"What about him" I said

"Oh come on everybody is talking about it I can't believe you didn't tell me" she said and I frowned even more

"Well I wasn't exactly happy that we broke up and I had a shitty time trying to get over it I was going to tell you today" I said and now she frowned

"Wait what are you talking about ? Broke up?Everybody is talking about you and David having sex" she said and I almost yelled

"WHAT?!"I said with wide eyes and Lily flinched at my tone

"What do you mean what? David told almost the entire school that you guys did it"Lily said and I wanted to immediately scream

"Well he is lying cause that's definitely not what happend"I said with anger and that's when I spotted David from across the hall

"He thinks he can lie about this shit? I'll be right back Lily" I said and I strolled to him

As I got close to him I yelled

"Hey asshole!" I said and he turned and looked at me

"You think you can go around and spread lies like that?" I asked him and he laughed

He fucking laughed

"It's not my fault you spread your legs and then you feel bad" he said and I heard some "oh" coming from around

"Spread my legs? That's not what I remember, I remember saying no and you getting angry over my decision"

"Oh yeah and then calling me like a lost fucking puppy saying you're sorry and you want me back" I said and he looked shocked

Don't get me wrong I can be shy but when it comes to shit like this I will stand up for myself

"Wow chill Anna I don't know why you're so hurt it was just a little bet" He said and I frowned

"A bet? So that's what it was all about , a fucking bet?" I said and he just nodded with a smirk

"You are so full of yourself for thinking you can win this bet" I said and I got closer

"Go to fucking hell David" I said and before I could comprehend what's happening I felt my fist collide with his jaw and everyone gasped

I felt a shooting pain on my hand but I ignored it and that's when I heard my principal's voice

"Anna Hood and David Allen in my office now" he said as i shot a look on David and turned my back to walk away

As soon as we were both sat in the principal's office he started asking questions

"So does any of you care to tell me what was that for?" He asked and I looked at my hands

My red fist was really red and had some blue bruising and I almost smiled at the thought of me punching David

"So?"he said and I looked up

"David spread some rumours about me and I got really mad I'm sorry it was completely wrong" I said

"What kind of rumours?" He asked and I almost groaned

"He said that him and I got...intimate" I said and slightly cringed at the topic I was discussing with my principal

"Is that so David?" He asked David and he nodded

"Well I'm going to call both of your parents due to you saying some pretty unacceptable things inside the school and due to you Miss Hood getting physical with another student" he said and i immediately felt my heart drop

Calum was my legal guardian and after that it was all of the guys names so I knew I would be in trouble

Plus it's Calum's birthday today

I'm so fucked

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