Chapter 15

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I woke up to someone pressing on my side making it difficult for me to breathe so I opened my eyes

Then I remembered everything from last night


The things he told me

My panic attack

The relaxer

The sleepover

I went from being very happy to very sad in one day

I felt tears coming into my eyes and a lump in my throat but I ignored it and tried to get up from the bed

After trying to find a way to get up without waking everyone up I finally crawled and made my way out of the bed

The first thing I noticed was that I was cold and I immediately got goosebumps on my whole body so I grabbed a sweater to put on before going to the bathroom

I brushed my teeth and I put my hair on a bun but I noticed how I was still cold and my whole body hurt even in the slightest touch

I knew what that meant but I didn't want to admit it cause I was already really tired

Sometimes after being really stressed and especially after my panic attacks my body was weaker and I got sick the next day

So basically I got sick because of stress and low energy

I ignored the feeling and I just made my way downstairs to the couch where I turned on the tv until the guys woke up

After about half an hour of me laying in the couch with a blanket watching a weird movie , I heard footsteps

Soon I saw Luke who made his way to the couch

"Good morning princess how are you feeling?" He asked me

"Good morning I'm fine how are you" I said with low energy

"I'm fine, are you tired?"Luke asked me as he frowned

"No, not really I woke up before 40 minutes or so" I said looking at him

"Are you cold?" He asked

"A little bit but it's just a chilly day I guess" I said and turned my head back to the tv

"Wait here I'll be right back" he said and I just nodded not really paying attention to where he was going

After 5 minutes he came back with his medical back and i instantly knew where this was going

"Luke I'm fine come on" I said

"You're cold and you clearly are exhausted and after panic attacks your body reacts badly we all know it" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Come on I'll be quick sit up" he said while he grabbed the thermometer

I groaned and I sat up while I still had the blanket over my shoulders because I was cold

Luke put the thermometer to my head and after 5 seconds it rang

Luke looked at the thermometer with a frowning face telling me that I most likely had a fever

"103"Luke said concerned and i grimaced

"Why didn't you wake someone up Anna we could have treated it before it got so high" Luke said grabbing his stethoscope and I shrugged

I stayed silent while he listened to my heart and lungs making me take deep breaths

After that he checked my throat and he felt around my neck and under my jaw where I flinched as he pressed down

He looked at me with frowned eyebrows and pouted lips as he stopped feeling around my jaw

"Tell me how you're feeling in general any pains anywhere else?" He asked me and I sighed

"Well my whole body kinda hurts and I'm just sore but other than that it's my throat and my head but you already checked those" I said and he nodded after listening to me intently

"Okay well I'm going to give you Tylenol for the fever and then I want you eat something and drink a lot of fluids"he said and I groaned

Not only I didn't like breakfast ,on top of that I wasn't even hungry because of the pain in my body

"No I don't want to eat I'm not hungry" I said while laying on the couch again

"I didn't ask you if you're hungry baby , you have to eat unless you want an IV" Luke said and I sighed in defeat

After than Luke went to the kitchen to grab the pills and make me a breakfast as Calum, Ashton and Michael came downstairs

"Good morning pretty girl" Calum said and kissed for forehead but he immediately understood I had a fever and put his hand on my forehead

"Luke checked me" I said and Calum nodded sitting on the couch close to my legs

After a while Luke came in with a plate with an avocado toast a glass of water and a glass of orange juice and he handed me one pill

As I took the pill Calum's attention turned to Luke

"How high is her fever?" Calum asked

"103 and she also has a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes" Luke said and and Calum turned his attention to me looking concerned

He stood up from where he was seated and squatted in front of me

"Let me feel your neck and jaw real quick" he said and I rolled my eyes

He started feeling around just like Luke , looking fully concentrated as he did and once again I flinched away once he felt a spot under my jaw

Calum hummed and stood up grabbing the plate with the avocado toast and giving it to me

"We're going to check that to make sure it's nothing serious cause you are quite swollen but for now you need to eat and drink as much fluids as you can" Calum said to me as I took a small bite from the avocado toast

Halfway through the avocado toast I was full and I truly felt like I couldn't eat more so I put it down

"Princess you have to finish it that's not even half of the toast"Michael said and I shook my head

"I can't eat more I'm not overreacting I'm going to throw up if I eat all of it" I said looking at him

"Two more bites and then you can sleep or watch a movie" Ashton said and I grabbed the toast quickly eating 2 bites and swallow them fast

All of the guys smiled and I laid down on the couch getting comfortable

Luke and Ashton called in sick to stay with me while Calum and Michael got ready for work

Of course both of them wanted to call in sick too but told them that I already had Luke and Ashton and they had important surgeries that I didn't want them to miss because of me

As I was laying on the couch I started feeling really hot so I threw away the blanket and after a little while my sweater too leaving me only in my bralette

I wasn't ashamed or anything the guys have seen me million times with only my bra on plus they are doctors

Ashton touched my forehead lightly before he pulled away

"Her fever is going down that's good" he said to Michael and he nodded

They constantly made me take small sips from my water and orange juice so that I stay hydrated and they asked me if I needed anything else in which I told them I was fine

One hour later I felt really tired so I decided to sleep since my head was hurting and honestly I was kinda happy I was sick today cause I didn't want to face David or Lily or anyone else from school after what happend

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