Chapter 3

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I was shaking like crazy while crying. I hated throwing up and I hated the fact that I just did that in the middle of the road. I could feel all of the boy's eyes on me trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I felt I little bit better now that I threw up but I still felt like shit to be honest.

It has been 10 minutes since I last threw up and I saw Ashton coming to me with a tissue and a water bottle

"Princess, I think you're okay for now drink a little bit of water and calm your breathing" he said after he wiped my mouth with the tissue.

I leaned back to the seat and closed my eyes while still shaking.I soon felt Calums fingers on my wrist which was telling me that the all have went into their doctor mode.

"Her pulse is really fast , she is clammy, and very pale" Calum said

"Did you eat something weird sweetheart?" Luke asked me and I shook my head

" I haven't really eaten I was tired and I lost my appetite after school" I said while opening my eyes

"I think I know was wrong" Michael said and I looked at him

"You said to me that you were really tired and it was warm today, right?" I nodded

"How many hours were you in the sun" I knew the was no way out so I had to tell them the truth.

" We were walking for 4 and a half hours  but I finished my water bottle with in an hour so I didn't have any more water and I forgot my hat so the sun was burning my head and my eyes all the time" I looked at them staring at me with seriousness, I continued

"when I told my teacher that I was really hot and I wanted to have a break in the shade she told me that we had no time and basically just suck it up" I finished and all the guys looked at each other with a knowing look

"Well I'm gonna have to talk to your teacher cause she caused you a sunstroke" Calum said and I looked at him"

"You were in the sun for very long time and you got overheated and dehydrated" he continued

"Why didn't you tell us sooner baby" Ashton asked

"Cause I thought I was fine and I didn't want you guys to worry or to be mad at my teacher" I said

"Well now we are definitely worried and your teacher is not going to get out of this easy, but let's just put that aside for now and solve this problem" I just nodded.

"Go lay on the couch baby" Calum said as soon as we walked in the house , I went and dropped myself on the couch closing my eyes to get rid of the dizziness, after 2 minutes a was sure I was going to throw up again and I started panicking

"Guys I'm gonna throw up again!"

I screamed as I made my way to the closest bathroom where I threw up basically the little amount of water that I had drinked on the way home. Soon I feel someone rubbing my back and holding my hair while I was shaking.I realised it was Luke and he was now checking my pulse while I was breathing harder than before

"Anna I need you to calm down your breathing you're hyperventilating" I couldn't stop my breathing and my chest was getting tighter

"Okay let's lay you down on the floor" Luke said while pushing me flat on the floor where he took my hands and put them behind my head.Soon all 4 guys were in the bathroom waiting for me to calm down which I did after 10 minutes.

"Okay I think I'm fine" I said while trying to get up but Luke stopped me

"Lay down for just a little bit more and let me check your breathing" he checked my lungs and after that he helped me up where he took me to the couch.

Since I was dehydrated I had to get an iv which I didn't like but I didn't have a choice

"Look at Calum small pinch princess" Luke said and as soon as I looks at Calum I felt the stinging which made me pull my hand a little but Ashton was quick enough to stop me from doing any damage

After that they put me on fluids and they gave me pills for my fever and dizziness, we put one a movie to watch and soon I was out like a light.

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