Chapter 30

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"We're gonna miss you so much baby" Ashton said as he hugged me tightly

"I'm gonna miss you too guys" I said back to them

I hugged all of them for a long time cause I really didn't want them to leave but I knew this was a whole new start for me and I knew it was for the best

I got in UCLA and I was now a psychology student

Yep I decided on psychology after a lot of thinking and I was really happy with my choice

I really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Candice and I was really glad I could proceed a career where I could help people that dealed with the same trauma as me and trauma in general since I know how hard is to cope with them

Today was the move in day

The guys got me situated and now it was time for the to leave

We spent almost all of the summer together doing multiple things since we knew I was going to leave in September

I didn't know what I would do without them

They helped me more than anyone could

They were there for me every time I got stressed or mad or sad or I had boy problems or friendship problems
,when I was sick and when I missed my mom

But they were also there at the happiest moments of my life like when I found out about my acceptance at my university

I truly own them my life

The truth is I will always have my problems and right now everything may seem perfect but I know this will not be forever

But that's the thing it doesn't have to be perfect

Life is truly a gift than contains many surprises

Some of them are good and some of them are bad

But we need to fight through the bad and find the good at everything cause even in the darkest times of our life's there's always going to be light

I learned that the hard way but I'm happy I got threw it because I now know how to deal with them

Of course I'm scared living on my own and making new friends and all of the new stuff that my future holds but I know that everything is eventually going to be fine cause this is how life works

After the rain there is always a rainbow waiting in the sky

I still miss my mom and sometimes I wish she was here to see my achievements but I know that she will always be with me not matter what

I feel truly gifted that I had the chance to be born and raised by my mother even if she didn't have the chance to be around me for a longer time

But again that's life

"I promise I will call you everyday" I said as I leaned on the cars door

"You bet your ass or else we're going to come here" Michael said and we laughed

"And remember you can call us at anytime we're only 3 hours away we will come as soon as possible" Luke said

"I know I know guys stop worrying" I said back

"We love you so much princess" Calum said

"I love you too guys I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me" I said truly meaning every word

After that I watched them drive away and I took a deep breath looking at the sky smiling

Let the journey begin...

                     The end

*This is the end of the book I hope you liked it!I know it's not a very long story but I had this plan of 30 chapters from the start! Thank you so much for your support you are truly amazing I would have never imagined that my book would have this many readers❤️I have some plans for a new book so stay tuned❤️Thank you so so much❤️

*You can ask me any questions you want in the comments, I love communicating with you guys🧡

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