Chapter 23

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The next morning I woke up 2 hours earlier because of my cramps and I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to get ready for school

Also this was a good chance for me to revise some of my notes for my math test I had today

I decided to have a warm shower so that it could help with my cramps , I brushed my teeth and I put on some leggings and a sweatshirt

The shower didn't help much and my cramps were becoming worse so I decided to go down to the kitchen to grab some Advil and eat something so that I can have energy for today since I had the test and a cheerleading practice

I really felt tired but I had a full day today

"Good morning Luke" I said as I walked in the kitchen and saw him drinking coffee while looking at his phone

"Good morning , what are you doing up so early?" Luke asked my looking at his watch

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked back while grabbing some Advil

"I start my shift at 6:15 today and it's 5:30"he said while looking at me taking Advil

"Do you have cramps?" He asked me and I nodded

"There're not too bad but there're enough to annoy me during my test and practice" I said to

"Are you sure because you look really pale Anna" he said with concern written all over his face

"Yes Luke I'm fine don't worry it's just my period" I said and grabbed some peanut butter and a piece of bread

"Maybe you should skip practice today just go for your math test and then come home" he said and I rolled my eyes and chuckled

"Luke you worry too much for nothing I'm not skipping anything it's a normal day" I said while eating my breakfast

"Promise me you'll take it easy and if anything happens you're gonna call me" he said with seriousness in his voice

"Yes Luke I promise but nothing is going to happen" I said back to him trying to ease his nerves

After that Luke left for his shift and I decided to study some more for my maths

I really felt tired but i shrugged it off since it was the studying making me sleepy

I was in the kitchen studying when I saw the rest of the guys walking in the kitchen giving me confused looks

"Someone is up early" Calum said and I looked at him

"Yeah I got up earlier cause I wanted to study a little bit more" I said as they all looked at me up and down

"She does look pale" Michael said and Ashton and Calum nodded in agreement

Calum came close to me and put his hand on my forehead but I pushed his hand away

"Calum I'm fine geez it's because of the studying" I said

"Studying doesn't make you pale Anna" he said

"Luke texted me and said you weren't looking too good this morning and you took some Advil" he said and I rolled my eyes

Of course he texted the guys and told them

"Yeah I was having cramps and I didn't want to have them at school so I took some Advil" I said started packing my bag

"Are your cramps bad? Do you feel any unusual pain?" Ashton asked and I groaned

"No Ashton I'm fine there're just usual, normal, period cramps" I said slightly annoyed

"Now let's go cause I don't want to be late" and I stood up immediately regretting it because I felt dizzy

I grabbed the table but Calum and Michael came fast by my side and grabbed my hands lifting my weight

"Anna sit down" Calum said to me guiding me on the chair

He took my wrist and immediately starting counting my pulse while Michael and Ashton looked at me intently with crossed arms

"Your pulse is high" Calum's said after letting go of my wrist

"Yeah cause I'm stressed about my test" I said and he rolled his eyes

"No Anna you almost fell from dizziness and you look as pale as a paper" he said while Ashton handed me a water bottle

"Drink some water and take some deep breaths" he said as i sipped some water

"I'm fine I'm just tired from studying and I didn't sleep well because I was stressed" I said and the all looked at me hesitantly

"Let me go to school today and If I don't feel okay I'll call you" I said and they all looked at each other

"I don't know Anna you're concerning me" Calum said

"Cal I know how to take care of myself if I feel off I'll call you I promise" I said and he nodded

"Fine but you'll call me even if you feel the slightest cramp or discomfort" he said pointing at me and I nodded

"I'm only letting you go because I know that you studied really hard and you don't want to fall behind" he said and to me

"Thank you I swear I'm okay I'm just tired" I said

After they we all got intro the car , they dropped me at school saying to me to call them if something happens for the 50th time and they left to go to the hospital

Let the day begin..

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