Chapter 26

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The next morning I woke up at the hospital ready to go home

I was already feeling better after the IV but I still had to take the pills they told me to maintain my iron levels

After Luke checked me and finally took out my IV I was ready to go home and rest maybe study a bit too

Calum and Ashton came with me while Luke and Michael stayed at the hospital because they had shifts

We stopped at the pharmacy to buy my pills and then we drove home

"When is your graduation" Calum suddenly spoke making me turn my head to look at him through the back mirror

"In 2 months" I said to him and he nodded

The thing is I thought I had time to think about what I want to do with my life or what I want to study but the truth is I didn't exactly had much time

My final exams were in two months and my graduation was after 2 weeks

Next month I turn 18 and I finally realised that I'm going to be an adult and I had to make a decision about what I wanted to do

I thought about becoming a doctor like the guys since I really like medicine but I'm not sure yet and I don't want to them to get excited and then be disappointed if I fail my exams

My other option was psychology

I really liked the idea of psychology and felt like it would help me too since I still have some unsolved trauma but I'm not sure yet

I guess I'll have to pick one in less than 2 months

"Are you excited" Ashton asked me and I shrugged

"I guess I don't know if I'm ready to leave you guys" I said

"Whatever happens we will always be here for you and we will visit you often honey" Ashton said back reassuring me

I know the guys love me and they will always care about me but something about moving away from them and being alone makes my skin crawl

Since my dad left and my mom died I have these huge abandonment issues that I can't quite get rid off

I know the guys would never leave me but still I feel like I need to be close to them at all times in order to feel safe which is stupid but my anxiety gets the best of me

I just wish I can work things out before leaving for my university

Suddenly on phone vibrated making me snap out of my thoughts

I saw that Lily had texted me

Lily:Hey Anna banana are you okay? You out of the hospital yet?

Me:Yes finally!Heading home

Lily:I was so worried you literally passed out and wouldn't wake up!I'm happy you're okay boo

Me:Hahah yeah I know sorry:(

Lily:Do you want to hang out today?

Me:Sure do you want to come by my house?


Me:Great see ya:)

"Guys Lily is coming by at 6:30 is that okay?" I asked Calum and Ashton

"Sure baby" Calum said and kept driving

The rest of the ride was silent

I was watching the trees and the houses as we drove and somewhere deep inside me that brought me peace, I felt like no matter what everything was going to be okay and that made me realise that for once I truly felt happy

We arrived home after 10 minutes and I went to my bedroom to change and have a bath to wash off the hospital smell before Lily came

After I took a bath and braided my hair I went downstairs for lunch and I saw we had some kind of dish with mainly red meat

Because of my anemia it is important to eat red meat at lest 3 times a week because it's high in iron

To be honest I would be vegan if I could but since I have anemia the guys told me it's dangerous for me to stay away from meat

After we ate I took a nap and studied a little bit

Finally at 6:30 Lily was here and I was more than excited

"Hey Lils!"I said as I hugged her

"Hey Annie" she said hugging me back

"Hey Cal hey Ash" she said to them and the smiled widely at her saying back hi to her

Lily was super close to the guys since she is my best friend since we were really young and she used to spend the night here almost every weekend

We always sit together talking and laughing or playing games since we both feel super comfortable hanging out with the guys

And sometimes they can be fun I'll admit it

"We're going to my bedroom" I said and Lily followed me upstairs

After we both jumped on my bed and got comfortable we started talking

"So how are you" she asked me

"I'm fine honestly I feel really happy lately" I said and she nodded

She was such a good friend she always listened and remembered every little thing that I said to her

"That great boo so Candice is helping?" She asked me

"Yes she is actually!But enough about me I don't want to talk about me tell me about you!You haven't told me anything about Jacob" I said getting excited

Jacob was her crush

"Oh my god yes! Okay so last Friday we went out and we were really flirting with each other and we had a great time but at the end he didn't kiss me" she said

"Well maybe he is waiting for the right moment Lily!What else?"I asked wanting to know more

"He handed me a paper at the class telling me I looked good today!"she said and I gasped

"OMG!HE IS SO INTO YOU LILY" I almost screamed and she laughed shushing me

"We will see Anna now stop screaming"she said laughing

We spend 2 hours just taking, gossiping and laughing until Michael and Luke came home and it was time for dinner so we went downstairs greeting them while helping with the table

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