Chapter 2

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As I walked into the school I spotted my best friend Lily,we have been best friends since 1st grade and we're still going on.

"Hey Anna banana" Lily said to me

"Hey Lils" I said while hugging her

"Are you as excited as me?" She asked me

"Well I got up by the first time my alarm went off so I think I'm pretty excited" I said.

After about 30 minutes we were all on the bus talking,singing, and laughing excited about are day off especially cause we had a lot of exams going on last week and it was really tiring. I was sure this was going to be amazing.

I was completely wrong.The nature was beautiful and it was a really nice day but it was certainly not what I was expecting.I finished my water bottle with in an hour and I had no water, my feet were hurting me, I had no hat cause I didn't think I was going to need it and the sun was burning my head and my eyes.On top of that my teacher wouldn't let me go sit in the shade or go somewhere with water.

"Please Miss Ryan can I please sit in the shade my whole head is burning from the sun and I'm exhausted" I asked for the 5th time

"Anna we have 3 more hours we can't take a break I told you , now let's go".

After 3 and a half more hours of torture we were finally back to school. I drink some water and I ate a little bit of a granola bar cause I had lost my appetite and now I was currently waiting for Michael to come pick me up so we can go to the hospital and wait for the others to finish their shift.

As soon as I saw the familiar car I jumped into the passenger seat "Well hello sunshine how was your school trip in nature?" Michael asked me

"Pure torture" I said and he laughed

"Why is that hun?" he asked me ,

"Cause it was really warm and overall really tiring" I didn't tell him about the whole teacher and no water incident cause he would definitely freak out,

"Well it's indeed a really sunny day , let's go to the hospital and you can rest for a bit until it's time to leave okay?" I just nodded and leaned my head to the window that was cold cause my head was still burning from the sun.

We arrived at the hospital and we went to Calum's office cause he still had 2 hours of work until we could go home. I was sat on the couch checking my social media when Luke and Ashton walked in

"Hello pretty girl" Luke said

" Hi" I responded back without much energy

"What's up are you okay?" Ashton asked

"Yeah yeah I'm just tired you know we walked a lot today on the school trip" which was the truth but at the same time I was starting to get dizzy and had a huge headache,

" Okay well Calum said to come get you and go in the car ,he will be there in 5 minutes"

"okay" I said while grabbing my bag.Luke hugged me while walking and we finally got to the car where I sat on the passengers seat.

Half way home I was starting to sweat and I got really nauseous but I didn't want the guys to stop the car and I hated throwing up so I tried to suck it up as long as I could. After about 7 minutes of trying I finally spoke

"Calum stop the car" ,

" What why?" He asked, and the I started panicking

"Calum now ,stop the car now please". As soon as he stopped the car I opened the door and starting throwing up.


I watched her opening the car door and starting throwing up , I immediately undid my seatbelt and pulled her hair away from her face while Michael went to her side and hold her head. Anna hated throwing up from a little kid, every time she would cry and shake like crazy and she always wanted for someone to push her forehead while throwing up.

"Calum she has fever, she is burning" Michael said with his hand on her forehead ,Luke was holding her hand while she was shaking and crying trying to comfort her since we all knew how much she hated vomiting.

After 10 minutes of Anna throwing up ,dry heaving and gagging she had stopped vomiting and was crying silently waiting for another round.

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