Chapter 13

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3 weeks later

Me and David are doing great he asked me to be his girlfriend last week and he is the sweetest person ever so of course I said yes

The guys have accepted my relationship with David even though I can tell they don't like him

But oh well it's my life

My leg had healed and I got back to cheerleading and even though I was struggling a little bit with school and stuff I was really happy

Today I was going to David's house to watch a movie and I was really excited and a little bit scared cause I don't know if I'm ready to take the next step with him

But I know David would never push me into anything

As I was doing my hair Ashton came to my bathroom door and rested his head on the doorframe

"Hi!" I said smiling

"Hey pretty girl" Ashton said back

"So David's house today?" Ashton asked and I hummed in response

"I know you may feel uncomfortable but do you plan on taking the next step with him?" He asked and I widen my eyes

"What!?"I said

"Baby I'm a gynecologist you don't have to be ashamed I just want to make sure you are making the right choice and taking the right measures"Ashton said and I'm pretty sure I'm as red as a tomato right now

"Ashton I'm not going to talk to you about this" I said with a small smile

"Okay well I am cause I want to make sure you are safe"

"First of all only do it if you want to, don't let anyone pressure you into something you don't feel ready doing"

"Second of all always and I mean always wear protection no matter what , you are not on birth control and guys at your age don't quite know how to be safe without a condom"Ashton said

"Third of all you need to be careful cause the first time is painful so make su-" I cut Ashton off

"Oh my god Ashton okay stop I get it yes protection and stuff please stop!" I said closing my eyes shut while covering my ears with my hands

I heard him laugh and then I felt him wrap his hands around me hugging me from behind

"Okay I'll stop but if anything happens I need you to tell me not as your friend but as your doctor okay?" Ashton said and I nodded

After that I finished getting ready and I left the house

Then I arrived to David's house

Ahhh memories!

I knocked on the door and I heard someone yell a quick "I'm coming"

The door opened and David immediately kissed me and hugged me

"So we are alone in the house so get comfortable" David said and sat on the couch

At first I thought it was weird that he told me we are alone and to get comfortable but I guess these are just my nerves

We put on a movie and we cuddled which was more than okay with me but after a while he started pushing his hand near my thigh while he started kissing me

He turned as around and I felt him going near to my private parts so I stopped his hand

"David I don't think I'm ready yet" I said while looking at him in the eyes

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