Chapter 5

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I was having fun with some of the girls and we were dancing when I realised that Anna never came to find after she told me that she had arrived , so I went looking for her , I asked some people of the have seen her but most told me they haven't. Just as I was starting to panic I saw a group of people and someone on the ground in the middle of them so I started walking there hoping that someone wasn't Anna.But I was wrong.

As soon as I saw her laying on her knees throwing up I pushed all of the people away

"Move move!Anna can you hear me?Are you okay?" Anna didn't respond to my questions I started getting worried that this was serious

"What did she drink and how much?" I asked quickly the group of guys and David answered me

"A shot of vodka, vodka with juice and some other shots" he said

"What kind of other shots you dumbass?"

" Tequila and whiskey"

I knew that I had to call Calum and the guys instantly cause Anna already couldn't handle 2 simple drinks of alcohol and she was looking way out of it

"I got her leave" I said and tried to pick up Anna but she couldn't move.

"Anna talk to me are you okay? Where is your phone?" Anna didn't answer she was looking around blinking slowly but she couldn't comprehend what I was saying so I searched for her phone until I found it.

"Hey baby what's wrong it's not even midnight you wanna leave?" Calum said as soon as he picked up the phone

"Hi Calum I'm Lily I think Anna is way too intoxicated she threw up and she won't talk to me I don't know what to do" I said panicking

"Okay Lily calm down are you still at the house?"


"Okay wait there we're coming".

After what felt like 4 hours Calum's car stopped and all four of the guys jumped from the car and ran to us.

"Has she spoken? What did she drink" How long has she been like that" Calum asked while grabbing her cheeks and tapping them lightly.

" She hasn't spoken, David told me she drunk some shots and a vodka with some juice I don't know how long she's been like that as soon as I saw her I called you"


As soon as Lily told me about Anna I told the guys and we all ran to get there as fast as possible. Anna was never a drinker and I knew that if we didn't get there quickly this could go very wrong

"Anna can you hear me?" I said while holding her cheeks and tapping them

"Baby look at me" she couldn't focus her eyes in to anything which was a really bas sign and I started to get really worried

"Calum she has very slow breathing and her skin is clammy and cold" Luke said after checking her pulse , I instantly new that Anna has alcohol poisoning and it was really serious.

"Okay let's get her to the hospital right now!".The guys helped me get her laying on the back seat and me and Luke sat with her laying on our legs while Ashton drove.

I kept talking to her trying to make her talk but she couldn't focus on anything and her breathing was getting dangerously slow.We immediately brought her to a hospital bed where we started working on her

"I need an iv kit now!" my hands were shaking and I couldn't do it so Ashton put the iv in and started her on fluids, while Luke and Micheal worked on getting her blood pressure and hooking her on the other machines.

Suddenly Anna started having a seizure.

Luke and Michael jumped to turn her on her side and hold her head so that she wouldn't hurt herself

"Push 10 mg diazepam!" Luke ordered and Ashton quickly got it on her iv and we all waited for the seizure to pass.After some seconds she was back to normal and we turned her back on the bed.

We got her body temperature and her breathing to normal and we waited for her to wake up.

" I can't fucking believe she drank that much she could have died" I said while rubbing my face

"Calum the important thing is we got her on time and she is going to be okay" Ashton said

"This is not something she would do though" Luke stated "It's not her"

"I agree maybe someone pushed her" Michael said

"I guess we will have to wait for her to wake up and tell us herself cause she is not getting out of this easily" I said


I started waking up and I felt like I got hit by a car, there was an annoying beeping sound and I groaned cause it was Sunday and I wanted to sleep more but then I recognised the smell and the beeping noise.I was at the hospital. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around me to see Michael holding my hand Ashton with his head on my feet

"Good morning Anna how are you feeling?"

I looked at Calum and I immediately knew I had done something cause 1) I obviously was at a hospital bed and 2) Calum called me Anna which he does when he is angry at me

"I have a headache why am I here?" I asked while Calum read my chart

"What the last thing you remember?"

"I was with David and some other guys and they were telling me to drink for a game"

"And you decided that it was really smart of you to drink while you know you can't handle alcohol?"Calum said angrily

"Hey Calum calm down let's take this slow she just woke up and she is clearly confused" Ashton said and all the boys were awake now.

Calum took a deep breath and walked by my side

"I'm sorry for snapping at you but you got us really scared last night baby"

"What happened?" I asked still confused cause I really can recall what happens after that

Luke looked at me

"You drunk way to much and threw up outside the house and Lily called us cause you weren't responsive" I stared at him with wide eyes

" We got to you and you were in really bad shape because of alcohol poisoning so we brought you to the hospital where you had a seizure and gave you fluids"

"A seizure?!" I almost yelled

"Yes Anna what you did it was really dangerous and I don't know you did it but you better have a good excuse cause there is no way out"

I felt tears coming to my eyes

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I swear to you it was never my intention for that to happen I just wanted to drink like the rest of the people and wanted to have fun without being the lame responsible kid" I said with tears strumming down my cheeks

"Baby there is a huge difference between being lame and being responsible" Ashton said to me while wiping some of the tears off my cheeks

"You're not lame because you want to take care of yourself and have limits and I get that you wanted to have fun but you can have fun without alcohol"

"I know I'm sorry I wasn't thinking I swear I'm never going to do it again" I said while looking at the guys.

"When can I leave?" I asked wanting to leave as fast as possible because I don't like hospitals at all

"We just need to go a quick check up and then if it's all good we can leave" Luke said

After Luke checked my lungs and heart, my reflexes, my blood pressure and removing my iv I was ready to go home but I knew I was going to spend way more time at the house now cause apparently I I'm grounded for the next 2 weeks.

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