Chapter 12

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After the argument I had with Calum 3 days ago we got distant from each other

Honestly I was mad at him for trying to control my life and he was obviously still mad at me for wanting to go out with David

But this time I wasn't going to apologize first

The last three days I haven't talked one single word to Calum and I only talk to the guys for the basic things like what do I want to eat or did do my homework and such

Today it was my date with David and I couldn't be more excited

I truly believe he is a good guy he helped me and he said he was sorry plus he thinks I'm pretty and I like him too

I only had one boyfriend in my life and it wasn't quite serious we did the basic things like make out and cuddle but that's it and honestly I feel like I'm ready to be in a serious relationship with someone and David is quite cute so why not?

He had texted me the afternoon we fought with Calum and I obviously said yes to the date I wasn't going to say no I was just trying to play it cool

He told me we are going to he park near the school so I wasn't going to dress up I was thinking of wearing something casual

So I got dressed in a pair of black mom jeans and a purple-ish tank top with a black cardigan cause it was a little bit chilly

I put on my black vans and some concealer, mascara, and a little bit of lip gloss

I was going to take an Uber cause my school was 10 minute away with the car and I didn't want one of the guys to take me

As I grabbed the front door to leave my house I heard someone call my name

"Anna wait" Luke said

I tuned around to face him , honestly Luke was pretty cool with the whole David thing and he was the only one I talked to a little bit more

"What's up?"I said

"Just be careful baby and if anything happens just call me or text me and I'll come get you ,okay?" Luke said while he rested his hands on my shoulders

"Okay thank you" I said and I hugged him goodbye

After 10 minutes I was at the park waiting for David

"Anna!"I heard a voice and I turned my head to the direction the voice came from

"Hi!" I said as I saw David

"How are you?" He said while he hugged me

"I'm fine how are you?" I asked him

"I'm fine did you wait a long time?" He asked and I shook my head

"No don't worry I just arrived" I said and he smiled

For the next 3 hours we just talked and laughed and we had really fun in general

Okay we flirted too but obviously it's a date

"You know you are one of the most smart and prettiest girls I've ever met" he said and I couldn't hide the smile on my face

"Thank you" I said and I noticed he was getting closer

I felt like I was about to throw up from my nerves and the butterflies

As he came closer I felt his breath and he felt mine

Finally I felt his soft lips kissing my lips while his one hand grabbed my face and the other one my waist

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