Chapter 19

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As soon as we walked in the office all of the guys stood up from the couch and came to me looking me up and down

I'm guessing Calum said I got into a fight

Luke came and grabbed my face with both of his hands and started turning my head looking for any injuries around my face

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did someone hit you?" He asked worried and I laughed

"No but I did" I said and all of the guys looked at me with shock

"It was David he said that him and I slept together to the whole school so I confronted him and I got mad so I punched him in the face" I said and all of the boys started cheering and hugging me

"I think you'll need to check her hand though it looks pretty swollen" Calum said and Michael immediately took my hand to his hands

He looked at it closely turning it around while all of the guys focused on my hand all of them in full doctor mode

Michael pressed with his thumbs my knuckles and I hisssed and tried to pull away

"I don't feel any broken or fractured bone so that's good it's just pretty swollen and it's going to be bruised for the next couple of days" he said putting my hand and they all nodded

Then he looked at me and smiled

"Bad fucking ass you punched a guy in the face" he said and I rolled my eyes smiling

"You should've seen his face after that it was really funny" I said and they all laughed

"Okay let's get you some ice for your hand pretty girl" Michael said and he went to the fridge Calum had in his office pulling out an ice pack

He put it on my hand and I tried to pull it away because it hurt and because it was really cold

"Uh uh that's what you get for punching someone on their face, you're lucky we don't like David"he said and I stuck my tongue out

I spend the rest of the morning and afternoon in Calum's office doing homework and scrolling through social media and finally at 7 o'clock we left

After we arrived home I went to take a bath and changed to sweatpants and I crop top with a jacket

We still haven't celebrated Calum's birthday and I really wanted to do something for his birthday so I went to Ashton and Luke and asked them to go buy a birthday cake and some birthday stuff to surprise him and they agreed

We went to the store and we bought some balloons the we blew at the car , some confetti , a birthday cake and one of those big signs that say 'Happy Birthday" on them

Michael was with Calum in his room 'talking' since we told Michael that we wanted to decorate the living room and surprise Calum

After half an hour we had everything ready

We threw the balloons around the living room we hung the sign , I was holding the birthday cake with the candles and Ashton had the confetti so he could pop them as soon as Calum walked in

We texted Michael that everything was ready and soon we head footsteps

As soon as we saw Calum we all yelled

"SURPRISE CALUM" While Ashton popped the confetti

We started singing happy birthday to Calum and he got closer so he could blow the candles

He blew the candles and we all hugged him and kissed him telling him happy birthday

"I'm sorry that I kinda ruined your birthday today" I said to Calum as we sat on the couch eating birthday cake

"What? Why would you think that?"he asked

"Well I got in trouble and you had to get to school and lose your surgeries and I got you and the guys worried" I said

"Baby first of all it wasn't your fault , sure you could handle it calmer , but you defended yourself and I'm proud of you that you did. Second of all I only lost one surgery and it wasn't an important one it was a routine one.Lastly, me and the guys always worry about you no matter what" he finished and I smiled

"And besides I'm pretty sure the whole birthday surprise was your idea so you pretty much made my birthday rather that ruin it" he said and I hugged him

"Thank you Cal I don't say it often but I'm really happy your my guardian and I'm grateful for everything you've done for me since mom passed away" I said and a tear felt down my cheek

"Than you princess you really saved my life"he said and wiped my cheek

"Okay time for a movie Cal what are we watching?" Luke asked as they all entered the living room and sat on the couch

"I think I'm going for Love, Rosie again" he said and we all laughed because Calum have seen this movie more times than I can count

But hey it's his birthday

We all watched the movie cuddling together and laughing at Calum for being completely concentrated at the movie like he's watching it for the first time

The movie ended and we all went to sleep but I decided to sleep with Calum like we used to do when I first moved in

"Goodnight princess" Calum said and kissed my head

"Goodnight Cal , Happy birthday" I said and we fell asleep

I didn't want to leave you hanging so last night I wrote 3 chapters❤️Hope you enjoyed!

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