Chapter 11

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One week later

I was currently at school putting my books in my locker when suddenly someone touched my shoulder

I turned around and I was faced with an unexpected figure


Since the whole drinking incident I haven't talked to him and he hasn't talked to me , we sometimes glanced at each other but nothing serious other than that

"Hey Anna" he said as I tuned around to face him

"Hey David" I said back with a small smile

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happend to the party"

"It's my fault I shouldn't have given you so much alcohol and I'm really sorry you had to go through probably the worst hungover of your life" he said

"It's okay really it wasn't your fault I should have been more responsible" I said as I looked at my feet embarrassed that he had to see me like that

"Hey" he said as he grabbed my chin to lift my head so he can look me in my eyes

As he did that I felt butterflies in my stomach

"Don't be embarrassed for something like that I would never judge you , besides you're way to pretty for me to change my mind because I saw you drunk" he said and I blushed

"Thank you you're not too bad yourself" I said and he smirked at me while he still held my chin with his index and his thumb

"Well then would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked and I'm sure he saw the surprise in my face because he slightly laughed

"Hmm i will think about it" I said

"Okay well I will text you later to give me an answer okay?" He said and I nodded and smiled

After I gave him my phone number we said goodbye and I instantly texted Lily while waiting for Ashton to come pick me up from school

Anna: Guess who just asked me on a date!




Anna:I haven't said yes yet

Lily:WHAT??You are definitely going

Anna:We will see

As I texted Lily I saw Ashton pull up and I instantly got in the passengers seat

"Well someone is happy today" Ashton said while looking at me

"Hmm? Oh yeah it was a good day at school" I said not realizing I was smiling the whole time

Ashton looked at me with squinting eyes trying to figure my excitement

" I don't think that's the reason pretty girl" Ashton said

"What else could it be?" I said back

"I don't know you tell me cause there is no way you are that happy over just a good day at school"

"Okay fine David asked me on a date" I said almost yelling

"Wait David like the guy that got you wasted and sent you to the hospital?" Ashton said with a serious face

"Yes but it wasn't his fault Ashton he didn't push me to drink anything we were just having fun together, besides Lily told me he was there taking care of me before she found me" I said while he still looked me with a serious face

"Baby I don't know I feel like he is not the right guy for you , he is one of the "oh look how pretty and famous I am" kind of guy" Ashton said and I laughed

"He is not he is actually really sweet Ashton"

"I don't know baby we will have to talk about it" Ashton said while starting the car

"Well I feel like I have the right to date any boy I want without someone's permission since it's my life but okay" I said annoyed

"I'm not telling you who to date I'm just telling you as a guy ,he is not the right one for you" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Okay whatever" I said now fully annoyed

The rest of the ride to the hospital was silent the only thing heard in the car was our breathing

After we arrived at the hospital we got out of the car and went to Calum's office where all of the boys where sat together eating lunch

"Hi baby girl how was school?"Calum asked

"Fine" I said with a straight face and sat on the couch while taking my books from my bag so I can start my homework

"Wow what's the attitude for?" He asked again

"Nothing I don't have an attitude" I said not looking at him

"Clearly you do"

"Do you want to share the reason with us?" Calum said again gaining all the guy's attention

Before I could speak Ashton cut me off

"David asked her on a date" he said and all of the guys turned their head to Ashton and then me

"David the guy from the party?" Michael asked

And Ashton nodded while I pretended to look at my notes

"She wants to go" Ashton said again and I groaned

"Why is my personal life your problem?" I said now angry

"Well i don't know Anna maybe because last time you were with this guy you ended up at the hospital with a goddamn seizure!" Calum raised his voice now clearly pissed

And I stood from the couch

"It wasn't his goddamn fault Calum, I drank the shots by my own choice he didn't force them down my throat!" I said now yelling

"First of all watch your tone we're having a conversation here"

"Second of all of it wasn't for that guy giving you shots then you wouldn't have ended at the hospital" he said now with a calmer tone on his voice

"Oh my god it was my choice I drank the shots and he is a really sweet guy he was there helping me before Lily came" I said while looking at him dead in the eyes

"Anna-"Calum said but I cut him off

"No listen to me I am a grown woman and I know how to make decisions about my life without anyone's consulting"

"If I feel like David is right for me and I want to date him then that's it you just have to accept it"

" I'm going to this date and that's it" I said and I immediately sat on the couch and opened my notes

"Fine but don't come crying when he does some bullshit and he hurts you" Calum said and walked to the door

Before he closed the door I yelled back

"I won't!" And I grabbed my math homework

The rest of the guys stayed seated looking at me until they got paged and I was finally alone

I let a tear fall from my eye not because I was sad but because I was angry and I wanted my mom to be here and support me through this as a woman because living with four guys is literally like you have written on your face "Don't come near me"

After I took some deep breaths to calm myself I continued with my studying until the guys finished their shift

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