Chapter 25

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I watched Anna carefully trying to keep her from fainting

I shook her head and I tried talking to her but nothing worked since the moment Calum pulled out the needle I saw her eyes turn upwards and her body fell limp

"She passed out Cal" I said

Calum looked up at her face and sighed

"I tried to do it as fast as I could but she was tense and she has thick veins" he said as he put a bandage to the spot he took blood from

"Yeah I know the blood really freaks her out and she is not a fan of needles too" I said while stroking her hair

"Okay I'm gonna run this to the lab real quick and I'll be back to check on her , try and wake her up" he said and he exited the room

I started shaking her lightly, calling her name but she wouldn't wake up so I started rubbing in between her chest with a little bit of pressure


I felt and uncomfortable pain in my chest and I started groaning from annoyance trying to push the hand away

"That's it baby open your eyes" Luke said while rubbing my arms up and down

"Let me see those pretty eyes" he said gently grabbing my cheek

I slowly opened my eyes trying to focus on Luke

"I passed out again?" I asked confused

"Yes you saw Cal taking your blood and you passed out"he said while he grabbed his stethoscope from around his neck

He carefully lifted my top and put the stethoscope to my heart and the moved it around making me take deep breaths

"Okay everything sounds good I'm just going to check your blood pressure and your pulse real quick" he said and at the same time Ashton and Michael entered the room

"Well good morning Miss Anna" Michael said coming closer to me

"How are you feeling" he asked while grabbing something from his pocket

"I'm fine just tired"I said and I almost jumped out of the bed when he shone a light in my eyes while holding gently my head

"Yeah definitely concussion" he said and started feeling around my head and neck

"Did you feel any pain somewhere else?" He asked me and I shook my head

"Okay try and limit the movements with your head and bright lights" he said and he turn to face Luke

"How's her vitals?" He asked as Luke let go my wrist after checking my pulse

"Her blood pressure and pulse are still high and she passed out again which definitely didn't help but she's okay for now we're just waiting for her blood work" Luke said and Ashton and Michael nodded

After 20 minutes of us chilling in the room talking Calum walked in

"Okay blood work is here" he said and the all immediately jumped and went to him holding my blood work

They all started checking frowning after some point and pointing to a certain place at the paper while whispering and murmuring things

"Okay can you stop whispering and tell me what is wrong?" I said and the all looked up

"We'll your iron levels are extremely low which explains all of the signs from the past few days" Ashton said and I looked at him signaling him to continue

"Low iron levels or anemia can cause irregular periods due to your body not producing enough blood cells and because of low blood cells your body cells are unable to produce enough oxygen and that leads you to felling dizzy or out of breath when doing high energy activities" he said

"Also because on your period you lose more blood than any other day your body can feel really tired and that's why this morning you felt dizzy , looked pale and passed out at your practice out of shortness of breath"he finished and I tried to understand

"So because I have low iron I have irregular period and I get tired , dizzy and pale?" I asked

"Yes something like that but of course anemia can have many causes and symptoms depending on your organism" Calum said and I nodded

"Okay so how do we treat that" I asked

"Well because right now your iron levels are way too low we are going to give some from an IV so we can increase them faster and after that you will need to take iron pills to maintain your levels" Luke said and I groaned

"Can I just take the pills?" I asked not wanting an IV

"No because the pills take at least one month to actually start increasing your levels" he said and I closed my eyes knowing I won't get out of this

"Fine" I said and Ashton went to grab an IV kit while Calum came into my side

"Okay pretty girl you know the drill look over to Calum" Ashton said as he sat down on the rolling chair and grabbed my hand starting to push down to find a vein

Calum turned my head holding it while looking into eyes

"Focus on my eyes and don't turn you head like last time okay?" He said and I nodded

I felt the wipe on my arm

"Deep breath in and out okay?" Ashton said and I breathed in and out feeling a pinch in my arm

"How did your math test go?" Calum asked me obviously to distract me

"Good I think it wasn't hard" I said feeling Ashton taping down the IV

"Good I'm happy you studied really hard" Calum said as he kissed my head

"Okay I'm going to connect the bag to your IV you're not going to feel any pain you're just going to feel a cold rush okay?" Ashton said and I nodded

After he put the bag and made sure everything was okay he sat down beside me and kissed my head

"Try and rest baby you had a long day" he said to me

I mumbled a small "okay" and I closed my eyes trying to sleep

After 10 minutes I finally felt my eyes getting heavy and I let the sleep take over my body

*I just wanted to say that I'm not a doctor and somethings may be wrong!I write things based on my life and I try and research on the internet before writing for something new!Thank you for your support❤️Hope you have a nice day!

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