Chapter 28

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One month later

Things have been good lately me and the guys have busy days at the hospital and Anna is studying a lot because in less than a month she has her final exams

Besides the stress of her school grades and the studying she's been doing well

She has weekly therapist visits and she is getting better at communicating and coping with her feelings

Currently it is eleven o'clock and she is still studying for her test tomorrow since five the afternoon

Sometimes I feel like she is overworking herself and today was one of those times

"Hi baby" I said as I opened her bedroom door

"Hi" she said back to me without lifting her head from the book she was studying

"Don't you think it's a little bit late to be studying?" I said while grabbing her shoulders and massaging them to release some of the tension since she has been sitting like that for the past 6 hours

She sighed and dropped her pencil

"I don't know anything I feel like my brain won't absorb any information any more" she said stressed

"Baby it's to late for your brain to work right plus you have been studying non stop since five o'clock, your brain can only take that much information after such a long day" I said still massaging her shoulders

"I know but I can't expect to get in the university I want if I can't succeed on a simple school test" she said grabbing her pencil and noting something on her book

"Anna listen to me for one second" I said as I turned her chair around

"You're overworking yourself right now and you're stressing over a simple test" I said

"I'm pretty sure this is one of these moments where you think you don't know anything because you're stressed but in reality you know every detail"I said looking at her eyes

"Well I don't feel like that Cal , I seriously feel like I don't know a thing" she said and I grabbed her book

"Would it make you feel better if I asked you some questions to see if you can answer them?" I asked her as I had the book in my hands and she nodded

This is something we always did when she was stressed and doubted herself

I would ask her questions and she would answer me and if she didn't remember I would say something to make it fun so that she could remember the next day

"Okay let's see" I said while flipping the pages

"You should go-" she said but I cut her off

"Yeah I know I should go back to the first pages too" I said and she nodded while I smiled at her

"Okay can you tell me what was President Jackson's view of the Indian tribes east of the Mississippi prompting the Indian Removal Act of 1830?"I asked and waited for her answer

"He believed they did not have the ability to govern themselves and that the Indians were uncivilized savages" she said correctly

"Correct baby" I said and she exhaled a breath of relief

"Okay another one" she said to me and I searched the pages

"Okay who shot President Lincoln?" I asked

"Easy, John Wilkes Booth" she said immediately

"See baby you know the answers you're just stressing yourself for no reason I said and she nodded

"Okay let me do a final revise and then I'll go to bed" she said as she tried grabbing the book from my hands but I pulled away quickly

"No baby thats enough you're going to get yourself sick and then you're not going to be able to study at all" I said and she rubbed her eyes in frustration

"Come one sweetheart let's get ready for bed" I said grabbing her hands and putting away her books

"Fine but if I fail it's going to be your fault" she said

"Okay if you fail it will be my fault Anna" I said back reassuring her

After she went to the bathroom and took a quick shower , she brushed her teeth and put some pyjamas on

She layed on her bed and a sat besides her

"I'm stressed Cal" she said to me while I pushed some of her hair away from her face

"I know baby but you have no reason to be it's just a practice test even if you don't get a good grade ,which you will, you have plenty of time to study and make sure you know them at the exams" I said trying to ease her stress

"I know it's just.."she trailed off

"Just what baby?" I asked her

"I'm trying to have good grades and do well on my exams because I want to make you guys and mom proud" she said looking away from me

I touched her chin and turned her head so she was facing me

"Baby we are already proud of you no matter what, you're making us and your mom proud everyday with your progress on life" I said and I saw a tear slip down her cheek

I wiped her tear and kissed her forehead

"Give yourself a break Anna , you're doing great just take a moment to breathe" I said while I hugged her closely and she nodded

"Goodnight pretty girl , I love you" I said standing up

"I love you too Cal" she said and I closed the door slowly

After that I got ready too since I had a long shift at the hospital and I was tired

As i layed down on my bed I thought about what Anna said and I truly thought to myself

She is one of the sweetest, kindest human beings

I love her to death and she really saved my life and I will always protect her like she's my own child

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