Chapter 8

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It was now Friday and I was getting ready for our cheer competition

After the family meeting I felt a little bit better and I wanted to really help myself and get over it without going to the therapist again

Don't get me wrong the therapist really helped me but I feel like I'm too old to constantly have a therapist that I go and cry to

"Anna hurry up we're going to be late!"Calum yelled from downstairs

All of the boys took the day off so the could come see me on my competition

"I'm coming!"I said as a grabbed my bag and started walking downstairs

We all got to the car

Me sitting in the back seat with Ashton and Luke and Michael in the passenger seat while Calum drove

Soon we were in the stadium and after I hugged the guys and received multiple "good luck" I went to my team and started stretching

I didn't stretch much because I was kind late but I didn't think it was going to be a problem since my body was used to the dance routine

"Are you nervous?" Lily asked me herself quite nervous

"Yes but I think we will be fine we've done this way to many times" I said and she smiled and gave me a hug

Soon we heard our name

"Please welcome outlet next team and 3 times winners Wolfecats!"

Everybody clapped and we ran smiling to the crowd

The first dance routine went great and we were now on our second one and the final

As the guys lifted me up I grabbed my foot and stretched it to my head but I immediately felt a pain to my inner thigh

I tried to play it off for the rest of the dance routine but it was really bad and it was starting to hurt more

After we finished we all cheered and waited for our results while we drank some water and talked to each other

Finally after 1 hour we had the results

"And the winner of this years cheerleading competition goes to.."

We all hugged together waiting for our results

"Amazing!for the 4th time.. Wolfecats!"The guy announced and we instantly started screaming and hugging

I forgot the pain in my thigh for a moment and I just cheered and jumped around like crazy

After many congratulations I finally spotted the guys who they smiled back to me

"You guys were amazing congratulations sweetheart" Calum hugged me

Ashton and Luke hugged me and then I went to Michael

"Congrats baby" he said while hugging me

"Thanks Mikey" I went to pull away but he held my shoulders

"So how much is the pain?" He asked me and I looked at him with wide eyes

"Oh come on I'm and ortho you think you can trick me? I saw you limping the moment you touched the ground after that stretch" he said

"It's not too bad it's just a stretch" I said and I picked my bag and started walking to the car

I tried to hide how much I was hurting cause i didn't want the guys to make a big deal out of it but I could tell the knew

After we arrived at the house I started going upstairs but it hurt too much to lift my leg

Michael saw me and picked me up before putting me down In my room

"I want to check that foot after you're done showering and don't even try to convince me otherwise it won't work" he said and kissed my head while closing my door

I sighed and got into the shower hoping it wasn't something to serious

After I got out of the shower I put on some shorts and a big T-shirt I braided my hair and sat on my bed texting and checking the social media

After a while someone knocked on the door

"Come in!" I said

"I told you to call me when you're done with your shower" Michael said while entering my room

"I was about to call you I was just checking some messages" I said smiling at him

"Yeah right" he said and we both laughed

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