Chapter 27

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I was really happy that I finally had time to catch up with Anna because lately a lot of things have happend and we didn't hang out too much

I was happy to finally see the boys again as weird as it sounds I truly love them

I've known them for nearly 6 years now and I know how important they are to Anna and how much they have helped her get through everything that has happend the last years

"Lily how are you we missed you" Calum said as we helped with the table

"I'm fine ya know school things and I've missed you too guys" I said as they smiled at me

"Hmm I heard something about a boy before" Calum said and I froze looking at Anna as she looked at me frozen

Anna was holding her laugh and I tried to stop my blushing

"Yeah we're only friends though nothing serious Anna just made a big deal out of it" I said as i shot daggers at her as she was giggling

"Oh friends okay" Calum said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes

We all sat together at the table chatting while eating

Luke and Michael had brought Taco Bell on the way home

I ate the classic tacos since that's what I always took because of my allergies and honestly it was really good

After we ate we all helped with the cleaning and putting away the leftovers

I felt a tingling on my throat but I ignored it and I drinked some water since it was probably the chilli sauce I tried

"Hey girls do you want to play a board game with us?" Michael asked us and we both nodded

"I want the red one" Anna said

"I want the green one" I said while I picked my pawn

The rest of the guys picked theirs and we started playing

After 15 minutes I felt my throat still tingling and slightly close

"Pause the game I need some water" I said while getting up from the couch

"You okay?" Ashton asked

"Yeah just thirsty I'll be right back" I said and went to the kitchen to grab a water bottle

I started drinking the cold water hoping it would help me but nothing happend and I started to panic

I was having an allergic reaction and I didn't have my meds with me

I didn't realise I was in the kitchen for 5 minutes until Anna came beside me

"Lily what's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked me as I leaned at the counter with my head down breathing deeply

"I think I'm having an allergic reaction and I don't have my meds with me" I said as I tried to straighten up and put my hands above my head to breathe better

I walked in the living room where all the guys were sat on the couch talking waiting to continue the game

As soon as I walked in panting with a red face trying to breathe they all looked at me worried and stood up to come to me

I took a deep breath

"Do y-you -I need-th-" I tried talking but I couldn't form any words

Luke was in front me looking me worried

"Take a deep breath Lily and look at me don't panic you're in a house full of doctors we won't let anything happen to you" he said

"I-I need an e-epipen" I said and I saw them all look at each other

"Okay let's lay you down while the guys go grab an epipen"Luke said as he guided me to lay flat at the couch

Michael lifted my legs and Luke put my head on his legs while holding my head in a certain place to make sure my throat doesn't close up

"Focus on your breathing try and stay awake" Luke said as I slowly blinked feeling like all the air was knocked out of my body

"Cal, Ash the epipen!" Michael shouted

Calum and Ashton came to the living room holding an epipen

Ashton pushed down my sweatpants so that they could push the epipen at my thigh

"Quick pinch Lily" Calum said
and quickly wiped my thigh and pushed the epipen to my thigh making me flinch

Calum listened to my lungs while I tried to get some air into them

"That's it Lily relax everything is fine" Luke said as he caressed my hair

Anna was by my side holding my hand as the rest of the guys checked me

"Lily sweetheart I need you to take 10 deep breaths with me okay?" Calum said to me and I nodded

Luke was holding my wrist as I took deep breaths with Calum

"Last one Lily you're doing great" Calum said as I took my last breath

"Better?" He asked me and I nodded

"Pulse is going back to normal" Luke said

That all exhaled a breath of relief

"We literally said to them when we ordered to not put anything with nuts in there" Michael said annoyed

"You did?" I asked

"Yes Lil we know you have allergy to nuts we know you since you were 12" Michael said again slightly smiling

"That must have changed the recipe or something" Anna said and we all nodded

I went to stand up since I was fine but Luke grabbed my shoulders from behind and Michael grabbed them from the front

"Stay laying for a little more" Luke said

"I'm fine though" I said and they all looked at me with wide eyes

"You had an allergic reaction less that 3 minutes before" Ashton said

I sighed and I stayed laying

"Take a few deep breaths for me" Calum said after 10 minutes

He listened to my lungs and he pulled away booping my nose

"You're okay" he said and I finally stood up

"Thank you guys I would have literally died if you didn't help me" I said hugging them all

"Don't thank us sweetheart we're glad we could help" Luke said

"I'm seriously going to sue Taco Bell" I said and we all laughed

"Do you think my mom is going to freak out if I tell her?" I said to Anna

"Yes but it's probably for the best" she said and I nodded

After that we continued our board game until it was time for me to leave

"Thank you so much for today I had so much fine minus the allergic reaction" I said to Anna while hugging her

"Same Lils but next time we're just going to cook" she said and we laughed

"I'll text you when I get home" I said and I went to my mum's car

What a fucking day

*Soooo I decided to write from Lily's POV cause I thought it would be a nice change!Tell me if you like it and if I should do it more often.
Thank you so much for reading , voting and commenting on my story❤️❤️

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