Chapter 10

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I woke up to a pain shooting on my entire leg and I immediately opened my eyes

I turned to my phone to check for the time and I saw that it was 3am

I waited for a little bit to see if the pain will go away but it only got worse so I decided to call Michael

"Michael!Guys! Wake up!" I screamed hoping they would wake up and come to my room

After 1 minute I heard footsteps and Michael was I front of me with a concerned look on his face

"What is it Anna?Are you okay? What happend" he asked panicked

"My leg hurts too much it's like I'm having a cramp or something on my whole leg" I said and he instantly removed the ice packs and touched my inner thigh examining it

He pressed down on a certain spot and I shot up with a yelp

"Okay you're having spasms because of the muscle you pulled" Michael said

"I'm going to lift your leg and try and stretch it so that the spasms can stop okay?" He said while he grabbed my knee and started bending it

At this point I was in so much pain that I didn't even care about bending my knee like the last time

After 5 minutes the spasms had stopped and I could finally relax

Michael carefully put my leg in the position it was before and started putting new ice pack on it

"Are you okay? How does it feel?" He asked me

"It's okay it still hurts but the spasms have stopped" I said and he nodded

Suddenly Calum Ashton and Luke all came running into the room panicked

"What happend did you scream?" Calum asked

"I did but Mikey came" I said laughing slightly cause they came after almost 10 minutes

"She had muscle spasms but she's okay now" Michael said while looking at them

They all exhaled a breath relieved that it was nothing serious

"Geez I got scared" Ashton said and me and Michael laughed

"I'm fine you guys can go back to sleep" I said while I got comfortable in my bed

"Okay well scream if anything happens" Michael said and the all left the room

I woke up in the morning and I immediately felt the pain on my leg

I got off the bed and I started getting ready for the day

I showered, I brushed my teeth, I put my hair on a ponytail and I threw on some shorts and a hoodie

I went downstairs to have breakfast and I was greeted by all four guys drinking their coffee and eating pancakes

"Good morning sunshine" Luke said

"Good morning" I said back smiling and grabbed a plate and 2 pancakes

"How's your leg today?" Ashton asked

"It hurts but it's fine I guess" I said while taking a bite

"It will take some time but we will start physio next week so it can heal faster don't worry" Michael said and I nodded

After having breakfast Ashton and Michael left to run some errands and I cuddled on the couch with Luke and Calum watching a movie

I loved Saturday's cause most of the time the guys were here and we all spend time together

After the movie finished I decided to ask the big question

"So am I done with the grounded thing?" I said looking at Calum

"I didn't know did you learn your lesson and how stupid was what you did?" Calum shot back

"YES!I mean yes I'm never going to do it again please just let me go back to my life I can't be in here anymore" I said way to fast

"Okay okay you're done with the grounding but you're gonna have to wait for a long time before going to another party" Calum said and I sighed

At least I could go out with my friends

The rest of the day went by pretty fast after the movie I did my homework and I organized my closet , I had dinner dinner with the guys and I went to sleep cause I was pretty tired from waking up yesterday

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