Chapter 29

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Tomorrow is the day

I am preparing for these exams the last year of my life and I'm finally ready

It was 8 o'clock at the night and I was studying for the last time trying to make sure I know everything

I haven't slept the last 3 days I've only taken 2 hour power naps at the afternoon after school so I can continue my studying at the night

I know it was stupid of me to do it because now I think I'm getting sick one day before my exams and I'm panicking but I'm just going to ignore it because if I think of it will only get worse

"Anna dinner!" Ashton yelled from downstairs

I got up and out on a sweater since I was cold and I went downstairs for dinner since I thought I could use some energy

"Here's our baby girl" Michael said and the all smiled

"How's our girl feeling?"Luke asked referring to my tomorrow exams

"Ummm good I guess?" I said not sure how I should feel

I was excited to finally take my exams but on the other hand I was extremely stressed because I don't want to fail and on top of that I think I'm going to be sick

"Just good?"Calum asked and I shrugged

We all sat in the table to eat our pasta and even though it was really good I didn't have much of an appetite so I ate half of it and I pushed my plate away

"Is that all you're going to eat?" Luke asked me looking at my plate and then at me

"Yeah I don't know I don't have much of an appetite I guess it's just the nerves for tomorrow" I said looking at him

"Try an eat some more Anna" Calum said and I sighed

After 3 more bites I was convinced I was going to throw up so I stopped and tried taking a few deep breaths

"Anna are you okay?" Michael asked me and all of the guys attention turned to me

I fucking hate throwing up

I'm fine I won't throw up I just have to control my breathing

"Yeah I'm fine just a little nauseous" I said and all the boys got up

Calum grabbed a small trash can we had in the kitchen and put it on my lap while Luke took my wrist and starting taking my pulse

Michael touched my forehead

"She has a fever" he said and the all looked at each other

"Baby talk to me what are you feeling?" Luke asked me

"I don't know I'm just nauseous and cold but other than that I don't feel any pain on my body" I said as I leaned forward to the thrash can since I felt the vomit coming up

As I stood still with my head above the trash can waiting to throw up I started panicking

"I don't want to throw up I hate it please stop it!" I said fighting my tears

Luke and Calum rubbed my back while Michael was holding my hair and Ashton was holding my forehead the way I wanted when I threw up

"Just let it out baby you will feel better after" Luke said still rubbing my back and shoulders

Then I felt it and I threw up

I immediately started shaking and crying while I threw up non stop for the rest 5 minutes until my stomach was completely empty

I was dry heaving, crying and shaking


"Deep breaths Anna" Calum said to me

I took some deep breaths until i felt like I was not going to throw up again

Calum wiped my mouth with a cloth and took the thrash can from my lap putting it aside

I leaned my head back to the chair and closed my eyes

Luke checked me he took my blood pressure and my pulse he listened to my heart and lungs ,he felt my stomach and took my temperature

"Okay she has 100 which is not too bad my guess is she probably got sick from overworking and stressing herself so much since there are no signs of flue or any kind of stomach infection" he said and they all agreed

"Okay bubbs since you have exams tomorrow we need to try and hydrate you and get vitamins and energy in your body in one night so we need to give you an IV" Luke said and I groaned

"Of course this was going to happen to me" I said annoyed that I have to put and IV

"Sorry baby but we need to do this so you have energy tomorrow" Calum said and I nodded

"Okay do you want go to your bed and put there the IV so you can sleep immediately after?" Luke asked and I nodded

"I'm going to get ready for bed and the you can come and put the IV" I said as I stood up

All of the guys grabbed me by different part of my body scared I'm going to fall or something and I laughed a little

"Guys I threw up I'm okay I can walk" I said

"Okay just making sure" Michael said

After I got ready the boys were in my room with all of the stuff needed

"Okay small pinch princess" Luke said as he wiped my arm down

I felt him push the needle in and it stinged

"Ouch!" I said as I felt him taps it down

"Sorry baby you're done" he said and fixed the bags of the IV

"Okay try and sleep and don't worry about tomorrow you're going to be fine you were just too tired and stressed that's why it happend" Luke said and after that they all kissed me goodnight and left me to sleep

Even though I was uncomfortable and I was quite stressed for tomorrow I managed to fall asleep really quick

I guess I did overwork myself

The next morning I was feeling a lot better and I was way to excited and stressed to evens feel sick

I was nervous but I had this rush of adrenaline that I could explain

Nothing could hold me back from doing well on my exams

I had a good breakfast and an orange juice for vitamins and the boys drove me to school 20 minutes earlier just to ease my nerves

"Good luck baby you got this" Calum said to me kissing my head

"Good luck baby girl" Ashton said and then Michael and Luke as they all hugged me and kissed me

"Thank you guys" I said back as I made my way to the school

We were finally sat at our desk ready to start our exams when they handed me the piece of paper that was about to determine my future

"I got this mom I will make you proud" I said and I took a breath as I started writing my answers

This is it

Here goes nothing

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