Chapter 9

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"Okay lay down pretty girl"Michael said and i laid down on the bed

"Okay first of all tell me exactly where it hurts the most" Michael asked me

"Here" I said as i showed him the inside of my thigh

"Okay is it like a constant pain or only when you walk?" He asked

"It's constant and it kinda feels warm" I said

"Okay I'm going to bend your knee tell me if it hurts too much"

He grabbed my leg and started bending it to my chest slowly but before he got far I felt a shooting pain

"Ouch!Mikey stop it hurts"I said while I put my hands over his

"Okay okay calm down I stopped" he said while he calmly put down me leg

" Can you do one more thing to me and then I'm just going to feel it for just a moment" he told me and I nodded

"Okay can you try and bend your knee and drop it to the side so your thigh is facing up?" He asked me and I slowly bend my knee and tried to drop it to the side but as I went to drop it the pain became intense

"Michael I can't drop it, it already hurts to much at this angle" I said and he nodded and grabbed my leg to lay it flat on my bed

"Okay baby I'm just going to feel for a moment" he told me

After he felt around my thigh and after my complaints that he's touch even hurted me he finally stopped

"Annie you have a really bad pulled muscle in your inner thigh, we usually call it groin strain"

"It's good cause you didn't tear anything but it's going to be painful for the rest 3 weeks ,you'll need to ice it frequently and do some physiotherapy so you can heal faster" he told me and I groaned

"I've done this routine a hundred times why the hell did this happend"I said while I put my hands on my face

"First of all language and second of all I saw you before they called you and you barely stretched , I've told you a million times that you need to stretch really good before anything baby" he said and I nodded in disappointment

"Okay wait here I'm going to bring ice packs to put on your leg" he said and kissed my head before he went downstairs

After 2 minutes he came back with the ice packs and the rest of the guys

"Well hello I didn't know we're having a party in my room" I said a little bit frustrated

"We just wanted to check on you baby" Ashton said as Michael came to my side

"Okay I need you lay on your back and bend your leg to the side as much as you can" Michael said

I tried bending it but I felt pain so I stopped

"Michael is there any other position this one hurts" I said and looked at him

"No you need to have it stretched and open so the ice can go to the muscle we need" he said and grabbed my leg

"I'm gonna do it slow but don't stop me , I know it hurts but I promise you when we put the ice on the pain will subside"

He started bending my leg and I could already feel the pain but I didn't stop him or said anything

"You're good" Michael asked and I nodded slight

"Okay just a little bit more" He told me and continued to bend my leg

As he pushed my leg a little bit more the pain became almost unbearable

"Ouch!Ow!Michael I can't any more please stop!" I said and tried to push his hands away but Luke came by my side and held my hands as he squatted on my level to look me in the eyes

"It hurts" I said with tears in my eyes while looking at Luke

"I know pretty girl but we need to do this so you can feel better okay?" He said while he kissed my knuckles and I nodded with tears strumming down my cheeks

"Okay that's it baby now we're going to put the ice packs on and you give some pain medicine and then you can go to sleep"Michael said while him and Calum grabbed the ice packs

The started putting the ice on my leg and I winced but i tried to stay calm

After Calum and Michael has finished putting ice on my leg they gave me Advil for the pain

"Okay baby you should stop feeling much pain in a little bit , I'm just going to check on you and change the ice packs during the night" Michael said and I nodded while I dried my tears with my hands

"I'm sorry Annie but you know if there was any other way I would chose it" he said

"I know I'm just angry because now I have to be like this for the next 3 weeks" I said and I looked at my hands

"They will go by faster than you think" Ashton said and kissed my cheek

After that all the guys kissed me goodnight and left my room

I scrolled for a while on Instagram and Tiktok and then I finally decided to get some sleep

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