Chapter 24

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It's now the last period and I'm waiting for the bell to ring so I can go to the cheerleading practice

The test went well or at least I hope so

To be honest I've been feeling off all day I'm really tired ,I have cramps again and every time I stand up I get dizzy but I will not call Calum or any of the guys cause I'm fine and I really want to practice today since we're doing some new tricks and I don't want to miss them

Finally the bell rings and I'm finally free to go to practice

I stand up and I immediately get a dizzy spell but I shake it off

I drink some water to stay hydrated for practice and I head to the gym area after I change to my Nike shorts and a crop top

"Okay today we're going to try some new lifting tricks and some flips since we need to step up our game a little bit more" our coach said and we all nodded

After half an hour of practice I was getting out of breath and I was feeling really dizzy but I tried to keep going

The two boys grab my legs to lift me up to try and do the new trick we were learning but I started seeing black dots and breathing was getting harder

As they lift me up I tried grabbing my ankle from the back to lift it up but the next thing I knew was that my sight went black and I fell into darkness

"Anna can you hear me?" Someone said but I couldn't figure out who

My head hurted and my eyes were heavy so I groaned

"Anna if you can hear me squeeze my hand"Someone said and I squeezed his hand

"Okay good we're going to move you know but I need you to stay still okay?" Someone said and I opened my eyes slowly

Move me? Where? What happend?

As I opened my eyes I saw two paramedics and I felt a collar around my neck as the moved me to a stretcher

"What happend?" I asked almost whispering

"You fainted and fell down and hit your head" one of them said

"They didn't catch me?" I asked confused

"No you fell backwards and they weren't fast enough to catch you before you hit your head on the ground" he said and I nodded but I don't think no one understood since I had the collar around my neck and my head didn't quite move

"Tell me where you feel pain Anna" the other one said

"Umm my head and my neck" I said trying to focus in any pain I felt

"Okay I need you to keep your eyes open and talk to me" he said as I slowly felt like I wanted to sleep

"Call Calum my uncle" I said

"After we get you into the hospital we're gonna call your family even though I think your school have already called them" he said

"No , Calum Hood he works at the hospital he is my uncle"I said and the looked at each other

"Okay sweetheart we paged him try and keep calm"

After 2 minutes I felt the ambulance come to a halt and the doors opened

I immediately heard Calum's and Luke's voice

"Anna can you hear me?" Calum said as I closed my eyes feeling really sleepy

He started rubbing his fist on my chest making me uncomfortable and I whimpered and slowly opened my eyes

"That's it baby keep looking at me , focus on me don't close your eyes" he said as looks at the ceiling

"Okay on my count 1..2..3" Luke said and the lifted me and put me on another bed

"Okay Anna I need you to move your toes and fingers for me" Luke said and i slightly moved them making them exhale a breath of relief

"Okay look straight up for me" he said and he shined a light in my eyes which instantly made a pain shoot through my head and closed my eyes

"Mild concussion" Luke said and Calum started removing the collar around my neck

He felt around my neck making me cringe

"I don't feel anything concerning she is just a little bit swollen" Calum said and stepped away while preparing something away from me

"Baby why didn't you stop if you felt like you were going to faint?" Luke said as he pushed some of my hair away from my face

"I thought it was going to be okay I was just tired" I said looking down

"Okay well we have to figure out what's wrong with you because you really scared us" he said and I saw Calum bringing a blood kit beside me

"Okay I'm going to draw some blood to see if we can find something that can tell us why you fainted okay?" Calum said and I immediately panicked

"No, no blood Cal please I'm tired can we just do it another day?" I said pleading

"No baby we need to find out as soon as possible come on I'll be quick" he said and grabbed my hand

Luke turned my head so that I could face him and gently held my head so that I couldn't turn around

I felt Calum pushing down on my arm to try and find a vein and after that I feel the wipe

"Okay deep breath in.." he said and waited for my to take a deep breath

"And out.." as he said that I exhaled and I felt the sting on my arm

I pinched my eyes as I tried to not focus on the pain

Suddenly I felt something cold running down my arm and I looked at my arm before Luke could do anything

I saw blood running down my arm and I immediately panicked

"Anna don't look , you're okay you just have thicker veins" Calum said sternly while focusing on my arm

"Hey look at me don't look at your arm , focus on my eyes"Luke said as he grabbed my face again looking into my eyes

"I'm dizzy" I said slowly letting my head fall back

"Keep your eyes on me pretty girl" Luke said as he was still grabbing my face trying to make me look at him

As soon as I felt Calum take out the needle and push the cotton ball on the crook of my arm I fell into darkness once again

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