Chapter 18

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We had arrived to the hospital before half an hour and I was about to scrub in for my first surgery of the day when my phone rang

Usually I would let it ring and call back after my surgery but the nurse told me it was from Anna's school so I immediately thought that something bad has happend

"Hello?" I said as I picked up the phone

"Hello Mr. Hood we're calling from Anna's school , we need you to come here as fast as you can because your daughter was involved in a fight and said some really unacceptable things to another student" I assume her principal said

I immediately thought they had made a mistake because Anna wasn't the type of kid to fight or to talk badly

"Are you sure it's Anna Hood and not an other girl?" I said and I heard silence until I heard Anna's voice

"Hey Cal" she said slowly

"Anna?What happend?Are you hurt?"I said panicked

"Yeah I'm fine I'll explain everything"she said and I left a breath I didn't knew I was holding when she said she wasn't hurt

"Okay I'll be there in 10 minutes" I said and I quickly hang up

"Page Roggers I have to go" I said to the nurse and I left the scrub room

"Hey Cal don't you have a surgery?" Ashton asked me as I was walking quickly through the hospital hall

"Yes I have to go they called from Anna's school" I said walking quickly and Ashton trying to keep up with me

"What?Is she okay? What happend?" He asked worried

"She's fine they said she was in a fight with another student I'll text you" I said and left to go to my car

I drove as fast as I could and soon I was in Anna's school

I knocked on the principal's door and I instantly heard a " come in"

As I walked in I saw Anna sitting on a chair and beside her David who had a slightly bruised jaw/ cheek

I knew Anna would never hit someone without the slightest reason

Now I understood a little bit more but I still needed the full story

"Hello" I said and and shook the principal's hand

"Mr. Hood" he said back and gestured me to sit

"So what exactly happend?" I asked and I saw Anna looking at her hands and noticed that her right fist was pretty swollen with some red and blue bruising

I put that aside for now and focused back on the principal

"Your daughter-"principal started but I cut him off

"Niece" I said and I let him continue

"Right , your niece here used a really inappropriate language towards her classmate and after that she punched him on his face" he said while gesturing his hand towards David who I looked with a hard face

"I'm pretty sure there was a reason behind it because Anna is not a violent kid or rude for no reason" I said turning my attention back to the principal

"Would you mind telling me the reason?"I asked the principal

"Anna would you mind telling your uncle the reason?" The principal asked Anna and I turned my full attention to her

She slowly looked up to me and talked

"David said some things about me and spread some rumours and I got mad"Anna said

"What kind of rumours?" I asked back

"He said that me and him" she pause and looked at her principal and then David

"Had sex" she said hesitantly and blushed while she looked at her hands again

I felt the anger rise in me and I honestly couldn't blame her for punching him

I'm not saying it's right but after how much he hurted her I can see why she did it

"Well I don't want to sound like a bad guardian but it seems to me that she defended herself after being humiliated in front of the school" I said to the principal

"She said 'go to fucking hell' and punched her classmate do you think this is appropriate?" The principal asked and I immediately shook my head

"No I'm not saying it's okay for her to do something like that or that you should not punish her but this would never have happend if David didn't spread lies and embarrassed my niece to the school"I said and I saw Anna looking at me confused

She probably thought I would be mad at her but I was not I was glad she defended herself

"So I expect the same punishment for David too since I'm pretty sure he said some things to her too and made her feel unsafe in your school environment" I said and I saw the principal nod

"Of course our school does not tolerate any kind of bullying" he said and I nodded

"Good , I think we're done here" I said and stood up

"Yes as for the punishment Anna will have to stay for detention for 2 weeks and help with the classrooms cleaning" he said and Anna stood up and came by my side

She nodded and said a quick "yes sir"

After that we walked out of the school and got inside the car

"You're not mad at me?" She asked and I looked at her

"No baby you defended yourself" I said

"He said that I spreaded my legs and that everything was a bet infront of the whole school" she said looking at her hands

"I'm sorry princess" I said and I kissed her head

"It's okay I guess it's worse for him cause he literally got punched by a girl"she said slightly laughing looking at me

"That's my baby girl" I said smiling widely at her

We drove to the hospital and we got into my office where all of the guys were sitting on the couch with worried faces

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