Chapter 22

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Two weeks later

For the last two weeks I've been having my weekly therapist visits and I'm trying to figure things out

After the first appointment with Candice I thought about everything she said to me about my mother and my feelings towards her

I know she is right and in a way I can see myself wanting to feel the pain in order to not feel completely guilty about her death and even though I know is wrong I'm not quite sure how to overcome this , yet..

Besides that everything has been back to normal

School, homework , cheerleading and talking to my friends

I was now laying on my bed listening to music trying to relax a little bit after studying for 4 hours for a math test

Suddenly I felt this familiar feeling down there

I got up from my bed and I quickly went to the bathroom to check

I finished my period literally 12 days ago I'm gonna scream if i have it again

I sat on the toilet , pulled my pants down and..

Yep it's here

I don't know if I should cry, scream or cuddle with a blanket while eating chips and chocolate

After I put on a pad and washed my hands I left the bathroom and went to the kitchen to grab some water

Someone said to me that drinking a lot of water can help with period problems ,also reduce the amount of blood flow and the duration

So I'm trying that cause I'm tired of having period 2 times in less than a month

As I walked in the kitchen I saw Luke and Ashton sitting and snacking on some fruits

"Hello sweetheart" Ashton said smiling to me

"Hey Ash , Hey Lukey" I said back and sat across them

"Do you want some fruits?" Luke asked me and I shook my head

"No thanks not in the mood for fruits" I said looking around for something sweet

That's when I remembered the chocolate chip ice cream we bought the other day

"Omg yes how could I forget!" I said and stood up going to the fridge to grab the ice cream

I grabbed a spoon and sat back down

"You know fruits are way healthier than ice cream and have more vitamins" Ashton said and I looked at him

"Yes but ice cream tastes way better sorry" I said and I scooped some ice cream while they laughed at me

"So how'a school going?" Luke asked

"It's fine just lots of homework and tests but I guess that's what school is about" I said while still eating ice cream faster than ever

"Yes but think about your future when you're finished you will be able to do what you like" Ashton said and I shrugged

Honestly I haven't thought about my future I don't know what I want to do so I guess it's good that I still have school because I have time to think about what I want

At this point I didn't want anymore ice cream I suddenly wanted something salty so I put it back and grabbed a bag of salty crackers and sat back down

I heard Luke and Ashton chuckle and I looked up as I put one cracker in my mount

"What?" I said while chewing

"Are you on your period again or something?"Luke asked laughing

"Actually yes it's so annoying" I said popping another cracker in my mount

"Wait really?"Ashton said with a serious face now

"Yeah" I said back with confusion

Luke and Ashton looked at each other and then back at me

"Didn't you have your period this month?" Ashton asked me and I nodded

"Yes but I have it again ,what can I say Mother Nature loves me" shrugging it off since it's not a big deal

"When was your last period?" Ashton asked me

"12 days ago Ashton chill it's just period" I said trying stop this conversation

"I'm a gynecologist I think I know what a period is and when it's normal for a woman to have it or when it's concerning" Ashton said back

"Okay well I'm fine it's just an irregular period" I said as I stood up

"Uh uh wait we're not finished here sit down" Ashton said and I sighed as I sat down

He wasn't going to let this go until he checked to make sure for whatever he was thinking

"How's your blood flow?" Ashton asked me and I cringed as I dropped my head on the table groaning

"Ashton I'm not talking to you about this it's uncomfortable" I said

"Baby it's my job I hear this everyday there is nothing to be ashamed of , same goes for Luke , we're doctors" he said and I closed my eyes

"So how's your blood flow? Do you have any unusual pain?"He asked again

"My blood flow is normal and no I don't have any unusual pains but the cramps usually come the second my of my period" I said as they both listened to me intently

"So you're on your first day?"Luke asked

"Yes" I said looking at them

"Okay do you feel tired or are you dizzy at all?"Ashton asked me

"Umm no not right now, I mean I feel tired but it's just because of the homework and stuff" I said

Lately though I've been getting some dizzy spells and I get tired way easily at the cheerleading practice

"Okay well since it's the first day we're gonna wait for any other unusual signs that might occur the next days okay?" Ashton said and I nodded

"If you feel anything unusual or feel any pain or have heavy flow you tell me immediately" Ashton continued

"Yes Ash I will tell you but I'm telling you it's just an irregular period nothing serious" I said

"Okay we just have to be sure cause it's not good if you have 2 times a month, you could have something serious causing this" he said

"Okay well I think we're done here now if you'll excuse me I'm going to sleep cause I have a math test tomorrow and I want to be concentrated " I said and stood up

"Goodnight hun wake us up if anything happens" Luke said and I looked at them one last time before leaving

I'm sure they are just overreacting but whatever

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