Chapter 4

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I woke up to someone touching my hand and realised I was still on the couch

"How are you feeling pretty girl ?" Calum said while removing my iv 

"I'm fine I don't feel sick anymore" I said while getting up

"That's good let me check your temperature real quick"

He put the thermometer on my head and after 5 seconds it made a noise and removed it

"97 all good, you you feel like you can go to school?"

"Um yes sure I'm a little tired but I think I'm fine" Calum nodded and went to wake up the rest of the guys while I went upstairs and started to get ready for school.

After I took a bath , brushed my teeth and put on some leggings and a T-shirt and I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat cause even though it was morning and I didn't really like breakfast, yesterday I threw up everything and now I was really hungry.

As I entered the kitchen all of the guys looked at me I'm guessing to make sure I'm okay

"Guys I'm fine geez" I said while I grabbed a pancake

"Okay okay just making sure hun" Ashton said. After eating we all got into the car where we had a small conversation about my cheerleading

"So when is the next competition?" Michael asked

"I think in 2 weeks" I said

Our cheerleading team was one of the best and most of the times we won the first place

"Okay well check and tell us so we can come see you win" Luke said and I laughed

"Guys we don't always win and I'll check".

The day went bus slow and I couldn't wait to go home so that I can go to sleep cause I still felt I little bit tired from yesterday's events.

I was putting some books in my locker when Lily came screaming

"Anna you need to hear this"  I looked at her with confusion

"David the hot guy is having a party this Saturday and he told me to go and bring you with me" now I was really confused

"I don't even talk to David why would he invite me?"

"Well maybe he likes you Anna!" Lily literally screamed and I shushed her

"Shhh Lils I'm sure he's trying to get as many people as possible it's nothing"

"Okay there is only one way to find out , pleaaseeee lets go" she pleaded me

" Okay okay I'll ask and I'll text you" I said as she jumped and hugged me knocking the air out of me.

As soon as I walked to Calum's office I dropped my back sat on the couch and started studying, I liked studying and I was a good student so it wasn't such a big deal for me , after 3 hours I was finally finished and I started packing away when all of the guys walked in talking about a surgery

" Hey guys" I said

" Hey sweetheart sorry for being late ready to go?" Calum said and I nodded and grabbed my bag back.

After being in the car for 10 minutes and everyone was relaxed I decided that it was a good time to ask about the party that Lily told me

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