Chapter 7

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This week Anna has been weirdly distant, after having the asthma attack on Sunday she started spending a lot of time in her room even when she wasn't studying and she would only talk to us when we asked her simple questions like what food did she wanted to eat or if she was hungry

Me and the guys were worried and we knew that this couldn't go on so we decided to call a family meeting and talk to her and she clearly had a problem and wouldn't talk about it

Anna knew how to deal with her emotions but sometimes she overworked herself and she was overthinking things way to much for a 17 year old girl

"Hey hun can you come down for a little bit?" I told Anna as I opened her bedroom door

"Umm yeah sure I'll be down in a sec" she said and I closed the door and went to the living room we're the rest of the guys were sat

After a little bit we heart footsteps and saw Anna appear in the living room confusion written on her face

"Is this one of the family meetings?" She asked with frowned eyebrows

"Yes sweetheart we want to talk to you"Michael said while tapping his hand on the couch so that Anna would come and sit

With a little bit of hesitation Anna came and sat next to Michael and me while Ashton and Luke sat on the other couch beside us

"Is this about me being distant?" Anna asked after she sat down and we all nodded

"Look I know I've been distant the last week and all but I'm fine I'm just thinking about some things but I promise you everything is fine" she said

"What kind of things are you thinking baby?" Ashton asked her

"You know mom and stuff" she said while looking at her hands and twisting her rings , telling us she was hiding something cause she did that every time she lied

"Want to elaborate?" Michael said

"You know how everything would be better if I wasn't selfish and all that"

"Don't get me wrong I love you guys and you are the best I could ever asked for and I-"

"Baby you don't need to explain we understand that you miss your mom but why do you think you're selfish?" Luke asked

"Is this the thing where you blame yourself for her death again?" I asked her and she nodded with tears forming in her eyes

After her mother's death I was the only family left because her dad abandoned them when she was 2 years old and she instantly moved in with me and the guys

She went to therapy for several years and stopped one year ago because she told us that she was fine and she handled things well

I guess we shouldn't have listened to her

"Anna look at me" I said while I gently grabbed her face to turn it to me

With silent tears strumming down her eyes she looked at me

"Your mothers death was not your fault, you were just a kid that wanted to leave school like everyone else"

She was now fully crying

"The driver that hit your mom was under the influence of drugs and alcohol and he hit her after he passed a red light" I continued

"There was now way you could have saved her and it is not you fault"

"If I hadn't called her she would still be alive" she cried

"No baby you couldn't have known" Michael said while rubbing her back

I held her as she cried

After a little while she stopped crying

"I'm so sorry" she said

"I didn't mean to be distant I was just overthinking and I wanted to be alone for a little bit"

"It's okay baby we are just worried about you" Ashton said

"I think it would be good if you started therapy again it may help you" I said calmly

"No I'm fine I don't need therapy it was just a hard week I'll be fine Cal" she said almost immediately

"Those feelings you have are not healthy and clearly you're still in pain and blaming yourself" I said while holding her cheeks and looking into her eyes

"Just give me some time please I don't want to go to therapy again" she said looking at her hands

"Okay we will give you some time to see how you cope and if things get better then you won't go" I said and she nodded

"Okay thank you" she said and hugged me while I kissed her cheek

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