◖Chapter 1◗

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Y/N's POV~•••

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Y/N's POV~•••

Here I am, my hands tied up, I am having a blindfold on my eyes and I can't see anything and it's making me so nervous. I am like this because I got on the nerves of my boyfriend A. K. A my daddy Taehyung. You guys must be thinking how did I end up here, wait, I will tell you.

An hour before~•••

I was begging for my boyfriend's attention, he is just so busy with his office work and he wasn't even sparing a glance at me. I sigh and looked at him and said.

"Tae, look at me, I need your help with my homework," I whine, but still he didn't listen. I pout and whine again, I just want to rip his papers off.

"Tae, please why are you ignoring me?" I said with a fake sad tone. "I know you don't need any help with your homework and you just want attention." He said without looking at me.

"Please spend some time with me, please," I whine again but he didn't even look at me. "Taehyung, enough is enough, if you don't stop doing this shit and give me some attention, or I won't talk to you," I said threatening him, and finally he looked at me.

"Baby girl, I will give you my all attention, just let me complete this first just 15 min, more ok?" He said, softy. "No, I want to talk to you, please," I said and whine again.

"Stop whining and don't be a brat, wait for 15 min, or I am not even going to look at you for a whole day." He said and now he was threatening me. I huff and this sentence made me mad.

"Taehyung stop this office shit and spend some time with me, or I will get to know that you don't love me, you love your office work more than me, even on Sunday," I said in a mad tone and glared at him.

"Enough y/n, get out of here and don't say that I don't love you, you know damn well I love you and only you." He said now with a dark voice, At least he is giving me attention.

"Get out." He ordered while pointing at the exit. "I will come to you after 15 min." He said and again went back to his papers. That's it. I know I am going to regret what I am about to do, but I don't care right now.

I went to his table and tore the pages he was working on. "That's enough y/n. You are being a brat from the morning, I hate it when you are like this." He said with a dark and cold tone, which made me shiver like always.

"Go in my room and wait for me, and if you again disobeyed me then you know very well what is going to happen." He ordered showing his dominance, I gulped and nodded.

"Do I have to teach you how to speak, huh?" He said in a mocking tone but yet with so deep voice. "Y-yes d-daddy," I replied. "Why are you stuttering, are you scared?" He said with a fake sad pout. "You weren't scared when you ripped my work off." He said and glared at me.

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