◖Chapter 16◗

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Y/N's POV~

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Y/N's POV~

I groan annoyingly as I opened my eyes, but I was met with Black. I looked around, I was in a small hut made up on the beach. Why the fuck am I here? I got up and went out and it was NIGHT!! I looked up, stars were shining beautifully. I looked at my phone and I switched it off before.

As I switched on it, my eyes widened when I looked at the time. IT'S 11:00 P. M!! Fuck. And so many calls from everyone. I am dead. I quickly ran to the hotel being careful, no one sees me, they must be asleep, I will just sleep again and I will face whatever will happen tomorrow.

Or that's what I thought.

I tried to be as much as quiet as possible and I successfully reached my and Taehyung's shared bedroom. I took the spare key to open the door, I once looked around if see someone, and I breathed in relief once I saw no one. But my breath hitched when I heard a familiar voice.

"What do you think you are doing, huh?"

I froze at my place. I took a shaky breath and nervously turned around. I was met with Namjoon, who was glaring murderously at me.

"U-uh-I-I...um.." I didn't know what to say, I was caught red-handed. Fuck!!

"Where were you? Y/n, do you fucking have a single shitty idea how much worried we were, huh?" His cold and mad voice was enough to let me know, I won't see sunlight again. He rarely cusses, really rarely. Like never.

"I am sorry," I said looking down. He scoffed and said. "You think your sorry can make everything good?"

I sighed. I shouldn't have fallen asleep. "So what do you want me to do, so I can make it up to you?" I asked hopingly. He first hugged me tightly, his heartbeat was fast letting me know he was worried. I hugged back.

"Knock the door, Taehyung isn't sleeping." He ordered sternly, after pulling away from the hug, I widened my eyes. I can't face any of them, I didn't want that's why I was using a spare key.

"No no, I don't know what he will do. What will be his reaction? No, I can't." I refused stubbornly. He didn't say anything, I thought he will let me go but damn...

"Taehyung-ah!! Open the door." Namjoon called a bit loudly, knocking on his door. Before I could do something, he already knocked on the door. After like wait for two minutes, he opened the door, and during those two minutes, I was sweating nervously.

"Yes, hy—Y/N!!" Taehyung said as he opened the door. He hugged me tightly, as soon as he saw me. "I will give you guys some privacy," Namjoon said and left us alone. "Come inside," Taehyung said and I obediently followed him inside.

"T-Tae-" my words cut off as I was met with Tae's cold eyes, which is scary. "Where were you?" He asked calmly yet with a gentle tone, not trying to scare me. But him being this calm is already making me freak out. I still remember what happened last time when he was this calm.

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