◖Chapter 36 [Final]◗

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A little warning⚠️ The torture scene will be there, but not like before, a detailed one

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A little warning⚠️
The torture scene will be there, but not like before, a detailed one.⚠️

Author's POV~•••

Both Kang Hyun-shi and Kang Sin-ho were tied together. They were unconscious, and Sin-ho's condition was worse.

Daehyung was sitting in front of both of them, and his face held a dark expression. He wanted to wake them up and torture them to death but...

His hands are tied to a chair by Bambam and Yugyeom. Why? You would say? Because they want his anger to calm down first before he hurt himself.

"Hyung, please leave my hands," V whined while looking at Mark, who shrugged.

"Hyung pleasee~" he pleaded, he was sleeping during the ride and these both tied him on the chair. Now, he can't even sleep peacefully.

"Bambam, free my arms, please?" He turned his head to Bambam. Bambam looked at Mark and Jaebum, who shook their heads.

"Sorry hyung, Mark hyung and Jaebum hyung said no" he replied shrugging.

"Just wait till my hands are free," V growled and glared at both Yugyeom and Bambam making them gulp a lump of saliva.

"Hyungs please...what did I ever do to you?" V asked, and turned his head to them.

"We will wait until you calm your anger down. Taehyung texted us and said you shouldn't hurt yourself because of anger. So calm your ass down and they will free you." Mark explained.

"Hyung, I am not angry. I promise. If I hurt myself you can again tie me, please? I need to go home soon." Daehyung pleaded to look at Mark and JB with puppy eyes.

"Fine, free him," Mark said and a smile made its way through Daehyung's lips and Bambam untied his left arm while Yugyeom did right.

"Finally!" Daehyung said and stood up from the chair he don't know from when he was tied.

He shot a death glare at Yugyeom and Bambam who gulped and stood beside Mark, making him sigh.

V took a bucket of icy cold water and poured it on both's heads making them gain consciousness.

"S-sin ho?" Hyun shi gasped while looking at her brother who was looking terrible.

"W-what are y-you doing here? W-who did this t-to you?" She asked worriedly, not noticing the other presence.

"It's because of you!" Sin ho tried to yell, but he was too weak, so it came out above the whisper.

"M-me? W-what did I-I do?" Hyun shi asked.

"D-don't ask me. A-ask them." Sin ho said and turned his head towards GOT7 members and V.

"Y-YOU! How dare you do this to my brother!!" She yelled and Daehyung slapped her hard, while she hissed in pain.

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