◖Chapter 24◗

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Daehyung's POV~•••

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Daehyung's POV~•••

"Yes hyung," I replied to him, I am really scared of his reaction. But I got something which I never expected.


I stumbled because of force and looked at hyung with wide eyes, but he showed no emotion. I am really terrified right now.

I want him to take his anger out on me because I deserve it and he always does that. Of course, he comforts me afterwards, but he isn't saying anything that is making me tense, I don't care about that slap.

"H-hyung..." I called out, but he didn't say anything. "Hyung, please...talk to me scold me, you can slap me again, but please...say something." I pleaded and I can see he is losing his patience.

"Hyung, please say something." I encouraged them, I don't want him to keep his anger to himself. "P-please..."

He took a shaky breath and said. "I want to talk to you, explain to me everything, why did you hide the mafia thing from me, why did you even become a mafia? Everything. And again, if I got to know you are still hiding something, trust me...I will forget that I have a brother."

His words were piercing my heart, and I tried to control my tears and I did. He turned around and said. "I want to meet you in the office, after breakfast." He commanded, again dangerously calm.

I quickly nodded. "Okay hyung," I replied and he left. I turned around and I was met with my reflection in the mirror. I had a handprint on my cheeks which I don't care about, but what I care about is what I will say to him. My excuse is stupid.

I sighed and looked at my laptop, Jackson hyung just send me the e-mails with all the details. I sat on my bed and looked at the laptop with a blank face. I really can't concentrate on e-mail right now.

"Hyung..." I whispered to myself and decided to look at the e-mail, opening it. I saw a picture and a tattoo. I scroll the mail and there was written. 'He is the one who is involved with the killer.'

My eyes widened and I took a look at the picture closely. "Whoever did it, will die on the cruellest day," I said to myself and quickly thought of any explanation I am going to give to Tae hyung.

I didn't even go for breakfast, they must have already eaten. "Ugh, I am tired." I sighed closing the laptop. I felt my stomach growl. I am hungry, but I don't want to face hyung right now, so I decided to stay in my room.

Knock Knock

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in," I said and Jungkook came in with a tray which had breakfast. "Here hyung," Jungkook said softly keeping the food tray on my table. "I don't want to eat, you can take it back," I said blankly.

"Hyung, I know you are sad, but you shouldn't say this on food, please eat. I don't think you would like to make Tae hyung madder." Jungkook said gently and I knew he will also know about me being mafia.

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