◖Chapter 3◗

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Warning⚠️⚠️: Spanking ahead!! ⚠️⚠️

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Warning⚠️⚠️: Spanking ahead!! ⚠️⚠️

Y/N's POV~


"Ahh, t-thir-thirteen."


"Ow I-I am sorry d-daddy, n-no more please."

"Aw, did my baby girl, forget to count? Do I need to add 10 more spanks?"


"N-NO, F-fourteen."


"AHH I-F-fifteen."


"AHH T-twenty f-five."

"Why did you get punished baby girl?" I sniffed and said. "I cussed at y-you, I-I'm so sorry daddy."

"Hm, and why did you cuss?" He rubbed my ass gently. "Because, I wanted to eat junk food, and I d-didn't ate v-vegetables."

"So, will you do that again, baby girl?" I rubbed my eyes and said. "N-no." "Hm, good. You are forgiven, get up." I nodded and stood up, Tae pulled me on his lap and hugged me tightly.

"You did so well, baby girl." He whispered deeply in my ear and kissed my forehead. I smiled and rubbed my nose, and sniff. "You are so cute, baby girl. You wanna cuddle?"

I nodded and smiled at him. "But before..." I looked at him curiously. "What?" Tae smiled softly and said. "You are going to eat everything you left on the plate," I whine in protest.

"I don't want to." He glared at me, and slapped my thigh harshly, I moaned in pain. "I-I will eat everything." He nodded, his head. "Good. Let's go."

I stood up from his lap and pulled my jeans up, and whimpered when fabric made contact with my sore butt. I decided to ignore it and looked at Taehyung, who was coming out of the washroom.

"Let's go downstairs." He said and I nodded in response, and we both went downstairs. No one was there, as I am at Tae's house, and Vkook are playing basketball outside.

"Sit down on the chair, and I will bring the plate." He ordered. "But my butt is-" he cut me off by saying. "I know, eat first, then we will cuddle." I nodded excitedly and went towards the chair, and forced myself to sit down.

After a minute, Tae came back with literal grass of garden on that plate. I just saw green. He placed the plate on the table. I again forced myself to eat it, after I ate it, I put the plate in the sink and washed it.

After, I went into the living room and sat on Taehyung's lap. "You done eating baby girl?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes, I am done."

"Ok, what do you want to watch?" He asked. "Anything," I replied and he nodded and put the random film.

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