◖Chapter 6◗

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Y/N's POV~

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Y/N's POV~

I groan and tried to wake up, but it was bad, as my ass is hurting like bitch, but a bit better than before. I got up from my bed and did my morning routine, and took a relaxing shower, and this is what I wore.

 I got up from my bed and did my morning routine, and took a relaxing shower, and this is what I wore

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I set my hair into a messy ponytail and went downstairs. I sat on the couch and waited for the kook.

"Y/n?" I turn to a familiar voice. I saw dad. I fake smiled at him, as he sat beside me. "Good morning," Dad said with a sweet smile. "Morning"

"Why don't you eat breakfast princess?" Dad asked. I shook my head. "I am not hungry dad." He didn't seem to be satisfied with my answer.

"Y/n what happen?" I shook my head and smiled a bit at his worry. "No, dad. It's nothing." I heard him sigh. "Okay."

"Jungkook! Let's go!" I shouted and he came downstairs looking handsome as always. "Let's go, sis." I nodded and we said bye to dad and went to college.

"Y/n, you okay?" I shook my head as a big fat NO. "I'm not." He sigh. "It's ok y/n, he will forgive you soon, just like you, he also can't live without you."

I smiled at his words, but I am not sure if this will end soon. He seems mad. As soon as we entered our classroom, all the attention was on us. But with just one glare of Jungkook's they all went back to their work.

We both sit in our regular place. And soon the teacher came and started teaching.

Time skip~•••

Author's POV~

Taehyung was working in his office, but a knock disturbed him. "Come in." He said emotionlessly and his little brother came in.

"Hey hyung, Are you busy?" V asked standing in front of his hyung. "I am, but say, what it is about?" V took a deep breath and said "hyung, why are you not talking to y/n? She is so stressed—"

Taehyung cut him off by saying. "I know that better than you, Daehyung, I know she is stressed, and sad also, but so am I. Regardless, don't you think after what she did this was deserved." V didn't say anything for a minute then said.

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