◖Chapter 18◗

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Y/N's POV~•••

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Y/N's POV~•••

"So, noona, now tell me," Beomgyu asked me, as I sat on the chair in his bed and he on the bed. "Okay, so Taehyung hate spices and coffee," I replied and he smirked evilly and said. "Done then, let's make him eat and drink that," I smirked back and nodded my head. "This is going to be so much fun."

"Exactly, let's plan this. When to do it? Maybe right now." I shook my head. "No no, we have to wait till he calms down a bit because I already did something and he is mad about it," I said, and he nodded. "Okay then, let's get to know each other more." I nodded at his words.

"So, I have a twin brother, and a boyfriend who I love so much also all the rest people you saw in the pictures, are my all good friends. And I have dad he is a single parent." I explained and he nodded. "I just have two brothers, two good friends and Mom and dad. They wanted to spend time with each other so, Yeonjun hyung, Soobin hyung and me came here."

He explained and I smiled. "You know Noona, I hate being the youngest. Everyone orders me." He huff, folding his arms over his chest and pouting angrily. "Aww, you are so cute." I cooed squishing his cheeks, he whined pushing my hands away. "Noona, don't do that." I smiled nodding my head. "Ok ok."

"Noona, let's go and hide Soobin hyung's bread. He loves it." He smirked, and I thought how currently can he think, still nodding my head. "Let's do it." He nodded standing up and I also stood up. He opened the room door and went out with me following him.

He opened the door of a room, beside his which I am guessing is Soobin's. He went in quietly and I followed. He took the bread, and hide it in his pocket and I raised my eyebrow. "Are you going to hide it in your pocket?" I asked and he nodded. I smack his head. "Dummy."

He whined and I huffed. "You should hide it in your other brother's bag, and act like you never saw that bread before," I said and his eyes lit up and he smirked. "Done noona, you are so good at this." I smiled and motioned him to do it fast. "Be fast." He nodded hiding the bread in a bag which I am guessing is Yeonjun's.

We both quickly get out of the room and we saw two tall figures coming out of Beomgyu's room. He gulped and said. "What were you doing in my room hyungs?" I see they are his brothers. They both looked at him, and the shorter one glared at him. "Why weren't you in your room, huh? Didn't we tell you not to go out, you always create trouble."

Beomgyu looked at him with pouty lips. "But Yeonjun hyung, I swear I didn't do anything, and I was in the hotel only, I got a new friend." I saw his brother's eyes soften a bit, but they don't know he didn't do anything yet, he is going to do. "Okay, and who is your friend?" The taller one asked I am assuming, Soobin.

"Noona? Noona comes here." Beomgyu said turning towards me, I smiled going towards them. "Hello, I am Jeon y/n," I said with a small smile. They both nodded. "I am Soobin." The taller one said who is way too tall.

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