◖Chapter 19◗

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Y/N's POV~•••

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Y/N's POV~•••

I heard him sigh. "Actually noona, my high school girlfriend also forget our first anniversary and started ignoring me, then I found out that she doesn't love me anymore." He explained and my eyes widened. Tae...you won't leave me, right?

As if Beomgyu noticed my pressure and tension he said. "That's why I took a test of him and he passed."

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He smiled at me. "Noona, he loves you. So much. Did you see how he got jealous when I hugged you and when I kissed your cheek, he looked like he will kill me any moment. And knowing that he hates spicy food and coffee, you still made him eat and drink that, and he didn't even say anything to you."

"Yeah right." I agreed. He smiled continuing. "No one will do like that noona, yeah he forgot the anniversary but he must be thinking that you are doing it just for fun if anyone else would have been there at his place would have burst at you."

I nodded. "Yeah, I am surprised, when I did this last time I got punished." I pouted looking at the floor.

"Noona, I have a question." I nodded motioning him to ask. "Ask Beomie, what is it?" He looked at me with a smirk which made me think. "Noona, do you dominate him in bed?"

I choked on nothing at that question. "What the fuck!" I yelled with a blushing face. I hit his shoulder with force still blushing. He laughed but that smirk never left his face. "Tell me Noona."

"...No. he dominates one," I said, and I am pretty sure my face is whole red. "Oh~" He sang and he smirked devilishly. "So Noona, tell me, did he ever forget his anniversary before?" I quickly shook my head as no.

"No, never, he has never." He folded his arms over his chest, and a finger under his lips pouting while thinking something. I cooed at him and looked at him with an adoring smile.

"Noona, I low-key think that he hasn't forgotten the anniversary." He said suddenly and my eyes widened.

"WHAT?!!" I yelled shocked. He hushed me and nodded his head. "Yeah noona, I think he hasn't forgotten. Maybe he is just planning something to surprise you or something like that." He said and I scoffed. "You are talking shit."

"No noona. I think like that." I just sigh. "I more like think that he is going to break up as your girlfriend did." I sighed sadly tears pouring into my eyes. "Beomgyu, I will leave now, I need some time alone."

I said and ran away and went into the garden ignoring the calls Beomgyu was giving me. I quickly ran to the beach, which wasn't too far away from his room.

I looked at the sky which was getting a bit dark. I looked at the time on my phone and a tear slipped my eyes as I saw it was already 4:00 P. M. My day was destroyed. I haven't had tears since morning, but it's too much for me now. I hate him.

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