◖Chapter 9◗

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Y/N's POV~

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Y/N's POV~

I groan and opened my eyes. Then I got a flashback of last night, and a blush spread across my cheeks. I turn around and saw no one beside me. But why? After every night, he is the one who wakes me up and takes care of me.

Where the fuck is he now? Now he left me, like this? KIM TAEHYUNG!! I screamed mentally and saw I am not naked at least. I am wearing panties and Taehyung's T-shirt. Which is oversized to me.

I removed the blankets over me and saw the sheets are also changed. He cares about everything but me. I huffed mentally but didn't try to stand up. I know I can do nothing but wait for him. My legs hurt, and I am too lazy to get up and wash up.

I looked around, trying to look for my phone and bingo! I saw it on the nightstand. I pick it up and dialled Tae's number. And did he...Just cut my call? Just wait till you come here.

Not even a minute later I heard the door open, and here's the king. "Before you say something baby girl, I cut your call because I was just in the hallway, also I knew why did you call me." He explained and I nodded.

"Okay," I said and laid down on the bed again. "baby girl, you can't just sleep now, you remember hyungs are coming today, take these painkillers." I nodded my head and took the painkillers from him.

After I was done, Tae carried me to the washroom. "Bath? Or shower?" He asked and I scrunched my nose and said. "Bath. Bubble bath? Please?" I asked looking at him with doe eyes. He smiled and peck my forehead. "Anything for you princess."

He sat me at the sink and prepared the bath. After that, he washed me and changed me into comfortable clothes. "You okay now?" He asked and I smiled. "Better than ever."

He chuckled and made me stand up, but my legs still hurt a bit, painkillers won't work this fast. "My legs still hurt." He raised his eyebrow and said. "Weren't you the one screaming 'faster daddy' huh? What's now?"

I whine and he chuckled, "I hate you." He pecked my lips saying. "I love you too baby girl. And about your legs what do you want me to do?" I huffed and climbed on his back. "Carry me."

He wrapped his arms around my under-thighs and I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my nose in his nape. "What do you want to eat?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, I don't want to eat," I said. "Y/n, I am not asking you, tell me what will you eat?" I shook my head as 'no'. "I don't want to." He sigh but didn't say anything. Did he give up?

He took me downstairs, to the living room. "Where are Jungkook and Daehyung?" I asked as I saw no one at all. "They are gone for work." He replied.

So Jungkook went to help Dad and V went to their company. The does almost all the work from home, or normally V handle it. But Tae only goes when it's necessary. He sat me on the soft sofa and sat beside me.

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