◖Chapter 31◗

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Author's POV~•••

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Author's POV~•••

Every seven of them saw how Daehyung's expression changed into a serious one, so they decided to keep this brother's problem aside.

"Okay, what is it, V?" Mark asked, they all were curious. "I talked to uncle Junghyun about it, and he told us, what happened with mom-dad and aunty. He told me everything he knew." V explained.

"Okay, and?" Jackson trailed off. "The picture you sent me an e-mail hyung, it's cured, I can't see the face just tattoos are a bit visible. The age just looks like 45-50 years." He replied and Jackson nodded.

"Alright, I didn't find any clear picture." Jackson sighed. "Wait—how about we increase the quality of the picture? Or edit it somehow so the picture will get clear?" Bambam suggested.

"Yeah, we can do that." Others hummed. "Yugyeom, do it." All of them looked at the maknae. "WHAT? ME? I can't do that hyung!" He refused.

"Why? You are a hacker, good with computers." JB said. "Hyung, I am good with computers, I am not an artist or editor, I can't increase the quality of blur pictures which is from the camera in a crowded place," Yugyeom said.

"Right, now who is good with editing pictures? Who we can trust." Young-Jae asked looking at everyone for suggestions.

"Maybe we should ask y/n, she is so interested in photo editing, that's the only thing she does with focus," Daehyung suggested and others looked at him. "Are you sure?" JB asked.

"Yeah hyung, we can trust her with this picture," Daehyung said while nodding his head. JB nodded and stood up.

"Alright then, we all will meet y/n tomorrow, and tell her about the picture, is it okay with everyone?" He asked and everyone nodded their heads.

"Alright then, I will leave now, it's getting dark too," V said standing up, he hugged all of them and smiled and left.

Time Skip~•••

"Y/N!!" Daehyung yelled entering his house, seeing y/n and Taehyung cuddling on the couch, while Taehyung was working on his laptop, having air pods, in his ears.

'Aish, this brat wants her all the time with hyung, even if he is working.' Daehyung thought angrily, but put it aside and went to them.

"What?" Y/n asked boringly looking at him. "You are good at editing pictures, right?" He asked and y/n nodded.

"Can you increase the quality of a blurred picture so that person in it will be visible?" He asked and y/n nodded. "Yeah, I can do that."

"Really?!" A wide boxy smile made its way through his lips when she nodded.

"Good! Please increase the quality of the pictures, it is very important for me." He said and gave him a printed blurred picture of the man.

"What will I get in return?" Y/n asked with a raised eyebrow. Daehyung sighed annoyingly. Like brother like a sister.

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