◖Chapter 14◗

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Author's POV~

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Author's POV~

Y/n and Jungkook are sitting in the restaurant, calmly talking, about what are they going to do to Isabell. They have already planned various things, now they are making them true.

Isabell, is sitting a few chairs ahead of both of them, but she is nothing but nervous, what may happen to her? She did take that threat lightly yesterday, but now seeing her in front of her eyes, she is kinda nervous and scared.

"So Jungkook, everything is ready right?" Y/n whispered to Jungkook, with a cheeky smirk on her face, which Jungkook returned saying. "Yes, everything is ready now, just let's do it I am so excited."

"Yeah, let's do it," Y/n said and both the siblings stood up, walking towards the chair Isabell. They smirked sitting in front of her. "Hey! Missed me?" Y/n asked smiling cheekily.

"Why are you here? Go away!! You destroyed my things and what do you want to know, huh?" Isabell raised her voice making people look at her. Y/n looked at her and smirked before, starting fake crying.

"YAH!! My sister came to say hello, AND HOW DARE YOU MAKE HER CRY!!?" Jungkook yelled hugging y/n tightly. People present there glared at Isabell, the crowd started gathering there. "W-what n-no!!" She yelled with a cracking voice.

"So y-you are saying t-that I-I am lying." Y/n looked up at her with a red face, teary eyes and wobbly lips. "I-I I-Really didn't do anything." She yelled looking at people, who weren't believing her, and looked at y/n with pity in their eyes.

"Hey! Apologize to her!!" A man from the crowd said throwing draggers at Isabell. "W-what? Why? I didn't do anything." She shouted glaring at y/n and Jungkook. "Y/n are you okay? Do you want me to call Taehyung hyung?"

Jungkook asked concern lacing in his voice, y/n pinched his arm making him yelp. Y/n shook her head, mouthing "no idiot." Jungkook nodded hugging her again. "Hey!! Apologize!!" Middle-aged women yelled from the crowd.

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR?!!" The man shouted again. Isabell sighed looking defeated. A tear left her eyes and sighed. "I-I am sorry y/n. Please forgive me." She pleaded, and y/n smirked.

"I-it's ok." Y/n fake stuttered and Jungkook just smirked. "Now can I leave?" Isabell asked, then ran to her room, tears leaving her eyes.

"What's happening here?" A familiar voice said and y/n's and Jungkook's eyes widened. They turned around and looked at Yoongi who was already looking at them blankly.

"Y-yoongi hyung?" Jungkook stuttered and Yoongi just looked at them blankly. "Come with me." He said and Jungkook and y/n immediately stood up, and y/n wiped her fake tears and both of them quickly followed him. Yoongi went out, standing in the garden of the hotel.

"What was that, hm?" Yoongi asked, folding his arms and asking in a low voice. "H-hyung, actually...u-uh..." Jungkook quit speaking as he started to think of a reason. "What?" He asked blankly.

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