◖Chapter 29◗

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Author's POV~•••

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Author's POV~•••

All three looked at Daehyung with wide eyes. "Pardon?" They asked.

"We are going to tell Mr Jeon this and he is going to tell us what happened next. I got sick finding this much information." He continued.

"Oh, you wanted a sister! How are you feeling now?" Jungkook asked, with a cheeky smirk.

"Tae hyung was saying the truth, sisters are annoying," Daehyung replied with a sigh, making y/n glare at him.

"Shut up stupid person, I didn't say I wanted another brother." Y/n spat and Daehyung raised his hands in surrender.

"Let's go to the company," Jungkook said and stood up. "Okay let's go." Taehyung agreed standing up.

"I will change," Y/n said also standing up. "We don't need to, not like we are going to some meeting and we are wearing trashy clothes," Daehyung complained.

"Bold of you to assume I will listen to you," Y/n smirked and left her room.

"That's why I said sisters are annoying." Taehyung sighed going to his house to grab the car keys.

Meanwhile, y/n took out the pair of outfits from her closet putting them on.

[Ignore the glasses and bag]

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[Ignore the glasses and bag]

She then quickly went downstairs and saw all the other three already there.

"Let's go!!" She yelled running down the stairs. "Yah! Don't run!" All three shouted and she chuckled.

"Okay okay." She quit running and went down the stairs and smiled.

"Is everyone ready?" Taehyung asked and the three nodded. "Yes let's go!"

Then they four went to their car, Taehyung sat in the driver's seat and Daehyung was about to sit in the passenger seat but y/n pushed him aside.

"YAH!! What's wrong with you?" He asked irritatingly. "I will sit beside him," Y/n replied and V rolled his eyes.

"Fine!" He said going to sit beside Jungkook and y/n sat on the passenger seat. Taehyung chuckled at her kissing her forehead.

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